
Thursday, December 24, 2020

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

Happy holidays, everybody! As usual, December seems to be galloping by at breakneck speed!

Back on Sunday morning, Santa and Mrs. Claus rode through our neighborhood in style! They travelled at a much more leisurely pace. =)

It would've been more festive if the surrounding landscape was white, but for the sake of the horse and everybody's fingers, toes, and faces, we're glad the snow and ice held off.

Speaking of the white stuff, this was our area's weather forecast for Christmas week:

We were skeptical, but for once the meteorologists were right! The quiet greenness persisted through Wednesday, Dec 23. We went to bed to rain and wind and woke up to this on Christmas Eve morning!

Talk about perfect timing! It's been looking like a snow globe all day!

Timing hasn't been quite so perfect on HI3, not that I'm complaining. Our streak of finding lucky finds and high stat wilds seems to be over, and we've had no success finding any of the newly-introduced donkeys either. It's all good, though - we already have so many new horses that we're way behind in getting them their own saddle pad and polos and discovering their favorite treats. Maybe now with Christmas break stretching happily ahead, we'll finally get all caught up!

We haven't done anything that Christmas-y on the game, unless discovering ice castles counts?

...or shape shifting into a fawn?

Two of the wilds we've lassoed have had season-appropriate names, at least:

I think this pony we caught last night was a bit confused:

Some players, like these two, are going all out!

Wow, well done!

Finally, this has nothing to do with Christmas, but we did see our first whale this week, and at very close range!

This one seemed to like hanging out near and under our kayak! <3

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Pizza Has Company

Happy December! While some places in the US have already been hit with major snow events, we have somehow been spared so far. The weather forecasters are predicting a slow start to our winter weather, which is nice right now but probably means we'll still be getting hammered come April. Fortunately, all of the Christmas decorations are making it feel more seasonal. It seems like more houses in our neighborhood are going big with lights, decorations, and inflatables this year than ever before, which we love! 

On HI3, some villages are putting up Christmas trees and/or changing the colors of the buildings to green and red. And while they're not specifically Christmas-y, sparkly crates that look a lot like presents can be found in caves now. Inside each crate is a surprise plushie. In addition to looking cute (and kind of ridiculous), a plushie gives a horse a unique magical stat boost. =) So, many players are now riding around with these little guys perched on their horses' rumps. 

We haven't explored caves much since plushies were introduced, but Blitzen and I did find PepsiSummer's first a while back!

It was an arctic fox! It seemed like a highly appropriate plushie for Blitzen, so she got to keep it!

Pepsi's leg... XD

HI3 has added some more living animals also, including elephants:

...and sea creatures:

I'm really eager to see a dolphin and a whale, but so far we've only come across sharks. Figures, right?

We've continued to lasso every wild equine we come across in our travels, of course. Back while it was still November, we found two other cool equines who are definitely worth mentioning.

"Sport" doesn't look much like your typical big, long-legged savanna wild...

...many things are long and awkward, but not the legs! XD

Her genetic stat total was unexpectedly impressive, but not so much her performance metrics.

It could've been fun to have her in the herd just because of how... unique she looks (I think the ears are my favorite part), but because of her underwhelming performance metrics and skittishness, we decided to pass.

Interesting story on our final November horse of note, "Chip." We just barely had time to lasso him last Sunday morning before we had to log off, so we didn't do the usual profile view and gaited-ness check. I confess that by the time I eventually logged in again that evening, I'd forgotten about him. I could've so easily sold him to the trader along with the other wilds we caught that morning, but luckily my memory was jogged in time.

This guy's genetic stat total sets a new record for us, 1055! (Just barely dethroning our reigning champion, the small but mighty Pizza, who has a genetic stat total of 1050.)

So sorry we took so long to realize how special you are, buddy! You will never be sold to the trader!

Since "Chip" seemed too generic to us, we have renamed him "Pringles." After all, he's the right color, and Pringles are pretty fancy as far as potato chips go, all neatly stacked in those tubes with the dapper Pringles dude printed on them.

I figured that our incredibly good fortune (3 lucky finds and our highest genetic stat wild ever) would run out as soon as November did, but no. Here is the very first wild we lassoed in December:

Sorry, Pizza, your total has been bested again! This time by a single stat point!

His performance metrics are not nearly so impressive, but they don't tank. Neither does his personality, thank goodness. Like Pringles, he is quite lazy but otherwise shouldn't give us much trouble under saddle. 

In case you were wondering, this guy's "tobiano" is limited to the spots you see on his legs and some tiny spots on the left side of his neck. It would have been cool if the spots were more extensive, of course, but I certainly prefer this to over-extensive white spotting. (How sad it would be if white covered up nearly all of his handsome, dappled mushroomness!)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Cornucopia of Wilds

Shortly after Julie published her post on November 1, Pepsi and Maral happened upon this big lug in the rainforest. Since he looked suspiciously unlike most rainforest wilds, which tend to be much lighter in build, we were really hoping he'd be our next lucky find.

Sure enough, the lucky find messages immediately popped up when Pepsi lassoed him!

Gotta admit, he does sort of look like a "Clavius."

At only 5 years old, he is the youngest that a wild can possibly be when lassoed on the game. He's also only the second corn roan wild we have ever caught! (The corns are the darker spots on his roan areas.)

As you'd expect, he is not exactly a speed demon or a jumping king, but he's one of the strongest pullers we've ever lassoed. Our second strongest to date, in fact, and he has a much more agreeable persona than the one horse who had him beat (an extremely skittish, stubborn, and lazy taiga bog wild).

Here he is under saddle:

So clunky and, yes, so cute. Any guesses as to what breed he is? 

Because he is roan and doesn't have much feathering, my first guess was Breton. I also thought maybe Brabant, Russian Heavy Draft, or Ardennais since they are sometimes roan. My first guess was the right one! To be more specific, he is the heavier type of Breton, a Heavy Draft Breton. Way to take it to the extreme, Clavius! (Fun fact: Clavius is the name of one of the largest craters on the moon. How appropriate that we found him when the moon was nearly full! XD)

Later that same day, we also found our first ever badger-faced wild! 
(The name here was also oddly appropriate, since we'd watched the installment of The Hobbit - the one where Bilbo gets a chainmail shirt made of mithril - the night before, Halloween night.) We did not keep him, as he was too small to ride, and his stats were underwhelming. 

After snowing most of Sunday, Nov 1 (the ground was still too warm for it to accumulate, thank goodness), the weather swung dramatically back the other direction. We experienced a record-breaking stretch of sunny days with highs in the low 70's, and we thoroughly enjoyed it while it lasted.

HI3 was as generous as Mother Nature during that warm spell. On Friday, 11/6, we stumbled upon two more especially cool wilds. 

We found the first one while on a mail run, after finally breaking down and buying some coal from a player's store in Equinae Village. (The few open fall forest caves we'd been in had all been sadly coal-less, as far as we could tell.)
The name doesn't suit him, clearly, but the genetic stats aren't bad!
His swiftness and interesting personality made him really tempting to keep!

You can't really tell in these pics, but he was sharply oval in barrel shape, with Pepsi seeming to sit especially high up on his back. We were not sure we were going to keep him, since he was not that brave and in light of other recent events (read on), but then Bethany - totally by accident, she promises - sold him to the trader, which made the decision for us. That will teach us not to change the rank of horses we're considering to "not for sale."

On another mail run, this time through the jungle outside of Ad Astra, we found this cool mare:
We were not in the least expecting the lucky find messages this time! =D

Her genetic stat total is the by far the lowest of any of our lucky finds, but let's not dwell on that. 

She's speedy, has a low stamina drop, and has excellent jump power! Only 2 wilds we've lassoed have had higher jump power, in fact, and both were tiny in comparison: 13 and 12.2 hands. She's also brave and social, so theoretically, if we ever were to want to compete in show jumping or cross country, once she's trained, she'd likely be our best bet.

Here she is in all her athletic, long-legged glory:

Can you guess her breed? I figured she was probably a warmblood of some sort, since she looks like a Thoroughbred but isn't as incredibly fast as they are. Clicking through various warmblood breeds in the BBB, though, I gave up trying to guess. She's definitely on the more Thoroughbred-y end of a Thoroughbred-draft mix, but that didn't narrow it down very much!

The expert determined that she is an Irish Sport Horse! I think this is quite amusing, because this is one breed of horse we never kept on HI2. (The game gave us multiple nice Irish Draughts, but we never got an ISH we loved. We never tried hard to buy one either because something seemed off about their necks in the artwork.)

We all approve of Silver Wind, that's for sure! <3 She may not have the most exotic coat color, but her height makes her stand out all the same: according to the BBB, ISH mares are typically only between 15 and 15.3 hands! Since she was so similar in color to Shamrock, that foal-like wonderland wild we were on the fence about, we ended up selling the original Shamrock and renamed the ISH Shamrock. (She is Irish, after all.) 

Since we parted with the original Shamrock, whose stats were much higher than Zane's, the curly-coated bay wild we were also on the fence about, we decided to part with Zane too. She made it easy on us by being in an ornery, hind leg-kicking mood the final time we groomed her. (It's like she knew?)

We were like, whoa, two lucky finds within the same week! Thanks, HI3! That's amazing! Then, two days later, on another mail run...
Plains wilds can come in any size and shape, but this guy still looked suspiciously like a purebred draft...

Sure enough, he was November lucky find #3!!!

Highly unusual, alright! How incredible that we found two lucky find bright strawberry corn roan draft stallions a mere 8 days apart! Throw in the ISH mare in there too, and wow

This one is slightly larger, isn't sooty, has feathering, and doesn't have a snip. He also has blue eyes, while Clavius's are more of an amber.

As we expected, his performance metrics are quite similar to Clavius's too. Unusual is slightly faster, but Clavius is slightly stronger. =) 

Feathering! Finally!

According to the expert, he's a Dutch Draft, which is a rare breed that wasn't even on our radar. Up until now, we've had no repeats with each lucky find breed's country of origin, but now we've had two from the Netherlands (Mariette the Groningen was our first.) That's cool by us - the Netherlands is one of the many countries Mom's ancestors hailed from. =)

Even in the excitement of finding him, we still remembered to deliver that letter. Interesting that we found our third lucky find of November right by Third Eye Equestrian Center. I wonder if that third eye saw it coming?

At any rate, we're thinking of naming him after another large lunar crater. Aitken, Apollo, or Lorentz, maybe? Or I suppose we could go for a Martian crater, like Antoniadi, Herschel, Huygens, or Kepler?

We're quite relieved that none of the 3 lucky finds had cringe-worthy personalities! (Shamrock is just ornery enough to buck, but we'll forgive that and hope it doesn't happen much.) I wonder if lucky finds have a better chance at having more personality charts on the right (versus left) side of the chart than your average wild, or if it's totally random? If it is totally random, we've had exceptionally good luck!

Not so when it came to finding coal. Mere days after breaking down and buying coal, we finally found a cave that had some. It figures, right?

Oh well, at least we finally have soda ash to bleach out our numerous dye fails. Our newest horses will soon have saddle pads and polos dyed in more pleasant colors!