
Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15!

AKA my birthday!

Mom spent the entire weekend up north, so we had free reign of the house for a pre-birthday celebration on Saturday night. We watched my favorite movie, Homeward Bound, followed by Homeward Bound 2. You wouldn't believe how much popcorn we ate! In between the movies, we had a little contest to see who could toss and then catch in their mouths the most pieces of popcorn in a minute. Felicity won with 29. She's gifted. It wasn't much of a contest, but I was starting to get the hang of it by the end. The dogs had a ball finding and eating all the pieces that ended up on the floor. They're like vacuum cleaners when it comes to food on the floor, especially Silver. 

It's been cloudy pretty much all day, but who needs the sun when the sassafras leaves in the backyard are neon yellow?

School went pretty well for a Monday. No Monday tests or quizzes, thank goodness. I passed out mini Reeses Peanut Butter Cups for my birthday treat. They were a big hit. In choir, the whole class sang Happy Birthday to me. I had absolutely no homework for once: the teachers are always good about that when it's somebody's birthday. Oh, the benefits of being home-schooled.

Mom and I spent some one-on-one time together after school: playing games on InnerstarU, watching AG videos on YouTube, showing me pictures of the horses that are going to be in her next story, and looking at the new AG catalogue that came in the mail today. Now I will go and hang with my sisters for awhile. I think we might all get out our instruments and have a little concert.

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