
Monday, September 23, 2013

Lily's Masterpiece

Hi! Felicity here.

Here is an artistic rendering of our first four Horse Isle 2 horses. The artist is none other than my sister Lily, who did not want to post it herself. Something about not wanting to toot her own horn, I think she said. So, I decided to toot it for her.

You can click on the image to see a larger version. That's Ophelia out in front, since she's the strongest leader. After her is energetic Yetta, and after her is slightly lazy Galileo. Taking up the rear is placid little Ravine, since he's a follower.

I hope Lily does another drawing of our next four horses, or better yet, one with all 8 together. That'd be a big picture, though.


  1. Ahh! Felicity, really? How did you scan this without me knowing? o_o

  2. Don't look at me. Arion summoned it into cyberspace with his superpowers. ;) I just posted it here.


    P.S. He wants you to draw him next.
