
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Twin Day

It was Twin Day today at "school." 

As you know, we're dolls and therefore don't actually go to a real school. However, we have an ongoing game with our cousins (Mom's sister's dolls) in which we go to a fancy boarding school in upstate New York. My sisters and I are all on said school's equestrian team, while our cousins are into acting. What brought us together as one big friend group is music - we all enjoy singing and/or playing musical instruments. 

We snapped some photos of the occasion and decided to post them here. Oh, and just so you know, our cousins Amber and Zoë are real twins. They both felt like twinning with somebody else for a change.

Autumn and Bethany 
They were going for the mirror image look with their hair.

Julie and Haylee 
Julie's feet were swimming in those shoes. :)

Lily and Amber
Amber insisted on wearing her cowgirl boots, so Lily played along. 

Zoë and Felicity
Rock those attitude glasses, Felicity!

Group Shot!
Lily was standing on a bump...

In real life as well as in the boarding school game, we each share a bedroom with another girl. As long as we had the flash drive handy, we thought we'd also share the roommate photos we took.

Autumn and Amber 

Bethany and Lily

Haylee and Zoë

Felicity and Julie

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