
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Blagdon Beauty

Now that it's a new month, I've been livery stalking again. Sorry, sisters, but it's starting to look like if I don't intervene, our stallion count will never catch up to our mare count. And I've only been looking at stallions, I promise! Of the stallions I've found, I've resisted a very nice 5/6 blue roan Kaimanawa, a 5/6 brown Dole, a 5/6 bay Peruvian Horse, and even a 6/6 flaxen sorrel Jutland (same color as Solitaire or things might have turned out differently).  

This guy, however, I could not pass up:
He has existed on the game for over two years but has never even gotten a real name. You know what a sucker I am for histories like that. Still, I waited about an hour after I found the little guy to give somebody else a chance to adopt him. When no one did, I took him home. The deciding factor for me: his fun, rather Christmas-y avatar:

I'm thinking of naming him Gingerbread. Or maybe Airbrush. =) We'll see what my sisters think. It's about time a Gypsy Vanner joined the herd - I think the breed is fantastic. 

Welcome to the herd, buddy. <3

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