Saturday, September 19, 2015

From Gold to Bronze

Well, we've finally decided on names for the two 6/6 horses we caught in August. Let me introduce you to my new Nokota stallion, Brushfire:
Ha ha, he looks like he could use a good brushing!
And to Julie's new Irish Draught mare, Galena:
Hmm, will she call her Gal or Lena for short?

In addition to choosing names at long last, we also competed a ton this afternoon in barrel racing with Mr. Contest Horse, Kudos. Most of the time we placed near the bottom, as usual, but there was a short stretch of time when we did quite well in Group III. He's up to 8 wins now, the lucky boy! More importantly, his experience broke 2,000 points! Yay, Kudos! Here he is modelling the new falcon tack:

Sorry, I know his accessories clash!

Last thing to mention: Flora and I went wild hunting with a buddy this morning. We weren't all that successful - we only found three horses between the two of us after searching two island complexes. The only horse I found was this one from Islands Lake Isle, the first isle we searched:

Not a very impressive avatar, is it? She's a lot more interesting up close, I promise!

A +5/6, +79 bronze-toned Quarter Horse with markings galore and bright blue eyes! Ooh!

Those eyes are already getting me thinking about names, and you know what that probably means... 
I looked up blue paint sample colors for inspiration (those often have such creative names!), and here are my favorites:


It's going to be a tough decision!

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