
Sunday, August 13, 2017

New Sub: +5/6 Mare Approved

PepsiSummer is back in the saddle again on HI2. (Actually, she usually rides bareback, but you know what I mean!) Good thing too, because it was my birthday this past Tuesday! 

We've already come across some noteworthy horses since we activated our new sub token last Saturday.

Our first flute with the new sub was this philosophical Lipizzan mare. I couldn't find her capture screenshot even though I'm almost positive we took one, but her avatar is what you'd expect, white. Here she is up close:

Mom really likes Lipizzans in real life, and while I'm not a huge fan of their HI2 artwork, I agree that it's a really cool breed. Those stats may look promising at first glance, but sadly they only add up to +40. No pretty white Lipizzan mare for us. We named and surrendered her, as is becoming our custom with "nice but not quite nice enough to earn a spot in our herd" horses.

On the day before my birthday, Lily fluted this beautiful Grade Saddle Horse mare:

Too bad this horse didn't come a day earlier! I'd have had the "prettiest birthday flute" prize in the bag for sure! If her personality had had a more interesting label, we'd have wanted to keep her for our Millennium Fields. 

On my birthday itself, Edoras and I made our way out to Gas Isle to use the flute. Because come on, how fun would it be to have a 6/6 birthday flute from Gas Isle? And of course I wanted to be on marshy terrain, just in case my dream Florida Cracker happened to show up.

Nope. Instead we got this pony:

Another mare with 5/6 positive stats! This one's only add up to an unimpressive +38, though, so I can kiss the "highest stat birthday flute" prize goodbye. At least her body is brown like the horse on the calendar page...
... and they both have some white feet. The similarities pretty much end there. XD

On Thursday, the +5/6 stat mare trend continued. Julie and Fanta fluted another nice bay pony.

This one's stats added up to +68, the highest we've seen so far with the new sub. We named and surrendered her, so I hope somebody found her and took her home!

And finally, here is +5/6 wild mare number 4, Felicity and Caraway's flute from yesterday:

Wow, even the brown ones are stunning! Her stats only add up to +48, though, so she is bound for the livery too. 

In addition to all these tempting 5/6ers (and that beautiful 4/6 GSH), I also noticed a very tempting horse for sale at a ranch store this week. She's still there now. *Sighs*

If she was light gray or perlino, I'd have overlooked her <80 stat total and insisted on dishing out the big bucks to take her home. She's so close to being my dream horse, and she is totally pale enough to be a Coquina! *Sighs again* I will resist, though, as hard as it is. *Goes to stroke Edoras's long, wavy mane.*

In other news, 
is still hanging around. I'm beginning to think he isn't going to leave... but I guess we'll have to wait and see if we can convince Lily of this...

We've also finally named the two back-to-back 6/6ers.

Meet Lucchese, named after Lucchese boots. He's from Boot Isle, after all.

The Gypsy Vanner was way more difficult to name for some reason. In the end, Julie decided to go with Araceli (pronouced "Are-uh-SAY-lee"), a Spanish name that has a pleasing ring to it but also seems to fit a proud horse who thinks she knows everything. We'll probably call her Celi for short. 

It's so good to finally have them named! No more staring at two "6/6 Wild Horse"s at the bottom of our horse list!

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