
Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Wonder from the Wonder Shrooms

We've continued heading out in various directions from our ranch, and our efforts have not been in vain. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are Pepsi and her various mounts posing by more epics we've discovered.

Predictably, rainforest epics are especially gigantic trees.

These certainly have interesting root systems!

I am eager to see how these compare to the desert pyramids!

These beaver dams don't seem to be specific to any particular biome? 

This one was on top of a sandstone hill...

...while this one was out in the middle of a gravel desert.

 Giant rocks in the stone forest. Imaginative, HI3. XD

Another beaver dam... and not damming anything.

Corduroy launched Pepsi in for an up-close-and-personal look. XD

I wonder if these can happen on any beach? 

As you can see, Corduroy was the most excited about this one.

In the midst of exploring, we've come across many wild equines. This happened when we were taking the pony cart for a spin with one of the wonderland wilds. XD

Check out the awkwardness of this pale gravel desert wild:

We found one more high-stat wild before the end of September, and he sure had a cool coat!
I love his curliness and that little streak of white in his mane!

His performance stats were ok, but not so his personality. As a stubborn leader, he spins around a lot every time you first mount and try to go forward. We find it worse than the slowing of lazy horses, since all the motion is disorienting and somewhat headache-inducing.

Pepsi also seemed quite big for him, so we did not keep him. Too bad - it would've been cool to have a curly mushroom pony!

On to the star of this post, another wonderland wild.
The mushroom placement here is unfortunate.
She has lovely ice blue eyes, a metallic-looking coat, and matching white socks and stockings. While her genetic stats are not impressive, her performance metrics aren't bad.

What makes her so special, though, is that she is our first ever ambling wild horse! After over a year of waiting, behold!
I was rather surprised she'd amble through this little stream, as skittish as she is, but she did. =)

Just when we thought we'd make it through a month with only adding 1 new horse to the herd (Trondheim), this happened. Sorry, Lily, but there's no way we're not keeping her too, <3

We were expecting the expert to deem her a Grade Gaited Saddle Horse, but no. She's actually the first Grade Warm-blooded Horse to join the herd. Go figure!

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