
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sightseeing and a New Pony

Felicity wants it noted that we caught exactly 20 wilds on her birthday this past Wednesday, and she wasn't tempted to keep any of them. She also had to endure... snow - and we're talking serious snow, not just flurries or gentle snow globe snow - but luckily the ground was too warm for it to stick. Areas to the south and east of us were not so fortunate, which is just weird.

So yeah, it was not one of Felicity's best birthdays. At least some of the wilds had interesting names:

It's been a cloudy, cold, will-probably-start-raining-as-soon-as-you-try-to-do-anything-outside kind of day today. It may be the last weekend where Mom's "household" is holed up too, because on Monday two weeks will have passed since they've all been vaccinated. (Mom was last, since she is young and "nonessential.") Not going to lie, though, Mom has enjoyed the slower pace and working from home, and we've enjoyed seeing more of her.

I only have one likely new addition to our herd to tell you about this time, thank goodness, so let's save him for the end. Before that, here are some screenshots highlighting some other recent happenings on the game:

We caught another badger-faced wild! 
The effect is more subtle due to a smaller white marking to begin with, but it's still there.

Speaking of subtle, that tiny dot of white on her cheek is the only evidence of "frame" on this poor wild!

Aw, we almost didn't want to lasso this wild and separate her from her buddy. 
(But we did... sorry. XD)


I wish I could've seen how she got up there. 

This player's Walls of Terror cracks me up.

Here's a side view. (Also, Orange Slice is really cute. <3)

Felicity and Snappy decided to mow down every single pole just for fun. It took some actual jumping to knock some of the tallest ones, since they're taller than Snappy.

Mission accomplished. 
They didn't stick around to see how long it took for the poles to reset.

We came across this cluster of cool mules on a mail run and let Nightingale visit for awhile.

And she thought her own ears were long...

After PukkaPixie commented on our last post, we really wanted to see her lucky find Forest Mongolian, so we decided to visit her ranch. It took 3 tries on 3 different days, but Mythical and I finally found it last night!

And my goodness, he was totally worth the effort! We were expecting him to be kind of clunky with an upright mane, but no, this guy is absolutely gorgeous! What an awesome first lucky find!

Here is our first lucky find, Talvi the Finnhorse, posing with him. <3

Nightingale also had to meet PukkaPixie's lovely 16+ hh mule filly, of course. <3 

Now to circle back to our newest herd hopeful, as promised. Horsie sense led us to him while we were out on a mail run last Saturday.

No markings, sadly, but still easy on the eyes.

His genetic stat total is more impressive than his performance metrics, but the performance metrics are still definitely better than some. Unlike many volcanic wilds, he's not a great jumper. I think he makes up for that with his high sprint boost and acceleration rate. He's skittish - bummer - but is otherwise pleasant to ride.

Yay, even though he's only 14.1 hands, Pepsi does not look silly! I know I don't normally go for ponies on this game, but I think I may have to make an exception for him. (Palominos rock!)


  1. So glad you finally found my ranch! (Never ask me for directions, lol!) I feel like i've had a celebrity visitor! Hope you had a good look around and helped yourself to some coconuts, there are often wilds hiding among the beach rocks. :)
    Looks like Nightingale has made lots of new friends, she's so cute, and I love that spotted mule in the other picture. Aderyn is Welsh for "little bird" she was only 10hh when I named her, I didn't realise she was going to get so big!
    I caught lucky find #2 last night, a black medium waler mare called class project, now renamed Xena. She's quite nice, but has no white markings. Most of my best horses are black and I was even riding one of them, Saguaro, a black mare with no white markings, when I caught her. It's a good job they they have different conformation. Lol.

    1. Ha, hardly anybody but us reads our ramblings, but thank you for that. XD I have your ranch location saved so I can quick travel there now. Last time I was there I did find a cute little jungle pony.

      I hope you were pleasantly surprised by how big Aderyn got. =) Great minds think alike, giving our mules inaccurate bird-themed names. Not sure if you are already aware (I wasn't for a long time), but there is a foal height predictor on the HI3 website in the breeding forum. It gives a decent estimate of how tall your foal will get based on its birth height.

      Ooh, Xena is lovely! Wow, you are making up for lost time with your lucky finds. It's interesting that you seem to attract nice black horses, while the silvers seem to like Pepsi. But you're right: they're all so different in conformation I don't think you have to worry about getting them confused.

  2. I first found this blog several years ago, when I was looking for a review of HI2. After reading all of your posts I joined the game and played for a couple of years under the name HarmoniousDog. I always hoped I would see you in game but I never did, mainly because I used to play mid morning back then which would have been the middle of the night for you! When Hi3 first came out there were quite a few negative reviews, and I watched a few videos and wasn't really impressed. Eventually I remembered this blog again, and here we are! I wouldn't have played any of the HI games if I hadn't found your horsey adventures.

    Don't go to flying beads to sell horses, the horse traders have all disappeared and have been replaced with trainers. I don't think the person in charge of that place knows what they are doing. Hopefully they won't have a post office for a while. I will have to move my ranch house when they do.
    I've been exploring in an area that has a fair bit of jungle, but all the islands are tiny and rocky. I did discover a cool jungle step pyramid epic though.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for letting me know! And for actually reading about PepsiSummer’s exploits! I’m honored that it helped inspire you to play HI2 and now HI3. I don’t remember ever seeing a HarmoniusDog on HI2, probably because of the time difference as you said. Oh well, better late than never. I’m so glad you were sucked in like I was! =)

      I wasn’t sure about HI3 at first either – the graphics are probably not great compared to other games out there – but the 3D-ness, vastness, and of course the abundant, unique wild equines make it so fun! The genetic system is also really cool if you’re into the breeding aspect. (The hoarder that I know I am, I’m not letting myself explore that much. For now, anyway. XD)

      Oh, Flying Beads. Maybe the player responsible will eventually lose interest and it will become a ghost town? I hope that the dreaded post office will not be built. (Too bad there isn’t a way to “opt out” of being a mail destination…)

      I wish you luck as you continue your search for another ranch-worthy jungle isle! Having a good reason to keep exploring isn’t all bad.

  3. Just before I logged off I checked in at my ranch (didn't go there yesterday) found someone had opened the cave near my tree tap. Went to flying beads and it's now a proper town with everything, including a post office and I'm the only nearby ranch. So I'm going to be leaving as soon as I can.

    On the plus side, I now have a store in silvervale, I have a choice between a decent sized rain forest island or a small jungle promontory that will do as a temporary home, and I have cought another really nice black mare!

    1. Oh no! So much for my wishful thinking. Shame, I bet that little island will miss you.

      Congratulations on your new store, your discoveries of not just one but two suitable temporary homes, and your new black mare! (The black ones really do like you!) Hopefully I get a chance to see her before you've moved. One of these days maybe we can become HI3 buddies to make things easier, ha ha.
