
Saturday, July 9, 2022

101 Equines!

It's been a quiet July for us so far HI3-wise, which is a welcome change of pace for me! However, back on the last Sunday of June, while exploring far to the south of our ranch, two more wild equines of note came on the scene.

The first was this speckled alpine pony:

Cute, fancily sabino, okay stats and personality. I was immediately worried that at least one of my sisters was going to get attached to the little guy. 

We tacked him up and mounted. He had only gone a few yards before he booted Pepsi off due to a random injury.

So... yeah, that was some rotten luck for him! It kept my sisters from getting all sentimental. Pepsi was pretty big for him as well, which sealed his fate. 

We had to head to a club to take him to the vet and then sell him (and a few other wilds) to the trader. Just when I was starting to relax, thinking we were going to make it through a month with only adding one horse to the herd for once, we found this big clunker:

Wow, HI3 randomness at its finest: donkey-ish ears, draft-like body, and bizarrely small, delicate hooves. 

My sisters, predictably, found this combination endearing. 

...and he didn't have any big strikes against him stat or personality-wise either. (Not quite a stubborn leader, but close!)

He's been renamed "Eeyore," at least temporarily, due to the ears.

Add in Eeyore and our herd count has increased to 101! We'll have been playing the game for 3 years come September, and we're averaging adding in 3 new equines per month. (My 1 per month rule has clearly become nothing but a strong suggestion, which has been overruled time and time again. *sighs*) 

So, we have a ranch brimming with immortal equines: 79 grades, 14 lucky finds, 1 donkey, 1 mule, 2 zebras, and 4 zorses. The zorses and the mule were born at our ranch, the donkey and two enormous brindles came from Gem, and all of the rest we lassoed ourselves. (At least so far we've avoided impulse buys in the auctions!)

It may be a random, rather unimpressive bunch by most people's standards, but we are quite fond of each and every one. From the get-go, we never intended to play the game as it's intended, where the majority of one's equines age and eventually pass on. We'd rather have everybody young and happily clogging up slots permanently, even if it does limit what we can do. =)

And now to put the spotlight on a few of our standouts!

Highest Genetic Stat Total:



Most Powerful Jumper: 

Strongest Puller: 

Highest Turning Speed: 


Most Stamina:

Quickest Reaction Time:

Best Personality:

Well gone, guys! <3

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