
Saturday, January 20, 2024

So Much Snow

We kept on visiting the Winter Village as long as we could. But, sadly, it was time to say goodbye to it mid-January just like all the Christmas decorations.

We will miss it and its various residents, as well as the vortex chasing.

I think our favorite mini-activity was clicking on penguins to play a short song...

...and our least favorite was trying to track down yule goats.

Arcticair reached full horsie XP with ease before the end of the event.

Here's the whole crew enjoying the Christmas decor one last time.

The Winter Village may be gone, but the snow lingers on. (Unlike in real life, however, you can toggle it off if you aren't in the mood.) The next exciting development was the addition of the Ardennes Horse to the game. 

We're still partial to the Shires and Irish Cobs, but these guys are pretty great!

All of the color variations are lovely, and the gaits are great too.

Too bad the mane doesn't fly up more at high speeds, but it is fun that it is so thick that it falls on both sides of the neck.

Unfortunately, like the Appaloosa and Tennessee Walker, they like to doze off a lot. *Sighs* I'm not sure we'll ever purchase one ourselves, but we love seeing so many of them being ridden around on the game.

The Mitten has been making up for lost time with wintery weather. We currently have a whole lot more snow than Jorvik does. *Sighs again.*

We thought we might have to say goodbye to Star Stable permanently this past week. On Monday, the game randomly wouldn't launch, and our go-to fix, restart the computer, did nothing. We hoped the issue would resolve itself with the Wednesday update, but no such luck. Nothing changed. On Friday night, we finally attempted to uninstall and reinstall the game. I don't know what exactly we did, but we managed to finally get it to launch, update, and let us back in. So, it's great it's back, but again, it seems our days in Jorvik may be numbered. We'll enjoy it while it lasts!

Speaking of enjoying things while they last, we had a Hazel visit this weekend! It was a whine fest for quite a while, but she loved running around in the backyard. 

Eventually she did relax enough to get snuggly on the couch. <3

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