
Sunday, October 3, 2021

No rainbow unicorns, but still some cool stuff

We almost made it through September without being seriously tempted to keep any wilds, which is quite a feat for us. Out in black sands back on the 27th, though, we found a few wilds, the least impressive of which visually was the chestnut below.

He is no conformational work of art (and definitely not a rainbow unicorn), but he's still cute in an oversized sausage pony kind of way. =)

What made him stand out from the crowd: his genetic stat total is exactly 1000. Wow, that doesn't happen every day! (We've seen it 3 times now in our 3700+ lassoed wilds.)

I'm glad the skittish didn't quite fall in line with the pattern of the rest of his personality stats. XD

Had we found any lucky finds or wilds with fantastic personas and/or unusually high performance metrics in September, this guy might have gotten overlooked. 

Or maybe not. It would be hard to resist those short little legs with their diagonal matchy-ness, the goofy little head, and the poofy hair. Sort of what I think a red squirrel would look if turned into a horse.

Don't worry - we are not calling him "Squirrel." "Rainbow Unicorn" had to go ASAP, though. Taylor Swift's the lakes was playing in the background as I was adding his info to our massive spreadsheet of wilds, so on a whim I changed his name to "Windermere." We haven't come up with anything we like better since, and it seems to suite him fairly well, so I guess "Windermere" it is.

ArtPrize is wrapping up this weekend. Mom hasn't seen as much of it in person as she'd have liked, but so it goes.

Here are some more highlights. They're here probably more for our benefit than yours, as we love looking back at this sort of thing later, but hopefully you enjoy them too.

Who's Protecting Whom?

Nomadic Domiciles
cast iron, bronze

Earthwork Portraits


It looks like a crab on one side, and a toucan on the other!

our favorite of the scrap metal sculptures in the Pollinators series

Desperate Times, a series of 3 colored pencil drawings
from left to right, they are Lysol Man, Shelter in Place, and Hoarder

oil on canvas

This looks blurry and abstract from a distance, but get up close and you find all sorts of people inside!

The Glass Garden
recycled plastic bottles and containers, wire

What a pretty use for discarded plastic!

wire and steel

all 3 of these beauties are modeled after Friesians

They were popular! 
Mom says she was lucky to get any shots without other people blocking the horses.

How cool that they got to be in the lobby of a ritzy hotel!

And on the Fifth & Sixth Day
oil over acrylic pours

I'd love to have any of these hanging in our house, but I especially liked this one!

See below for our favorite critters from Monster Mayhem, a collection of ink and watercolor paintings of the kind of monsters you'd actually want to find under your bed. This artist has been painting one monster a day for 7 years now, without missing a single day!
Julie's favorite, the pear bear

Felicity's favorite. She calls him Charmin the dragon.

Lily's favorite, who she named Treeceratops

My twin favorites. I call them Jupiter and Neptune. =)

Thinking Man

Morning Spacewalk

North American Woodland Animals
king size quilt

this raccoon is my favorite. :)

Shore Patrol
our favorite in a series of 5 photographs collectively titled Great Lake Michigan

Rocky Shores
acrylic painting, shoreline embedded with semiprecious stones

Steadfast Against the Storm
our favorite of 3 big cat oil painting collectively titled Facing the Tempest

Charging Forward
The elephants in this mural were enormous: life size, if not larger!

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