
Saturday, October 16, 2021

A Rainbow Unicorn!

On the final afternoon of ArtPrize, Mom managed to convince Grandma to make one last visit with her. The reason Mom wanted to go so badly: they had not yet seen some life-sized metal animal sculptures. Mom was worried they might already have been taken away, since some artists clear out early on the last day. A large flower sculpture was being loaded on a trailer as they arrived at the venue - not a good sign. Luckily, One World Safari was still there in all its metallic glory.



Brutus and Bill




The cherry on top: a rainbow unicorn! =D 

Rain G. Unicorn

(The artist's name is Monte de Gallo)

Clearly, nothing was going to top these guys, but Mom and Grandma enjoyed the rest of their wanderings as well. Three last highlights:

aluminum and wood

and then I opened my eyes...
watercolor on silk/mixed media

A Reservation for the Current Occupant(s)
a full-size dining table made entirely of rolled-up junk mail and glue

October's rolled on since then. Lily, Nala, and Cloudburst all turned another year older yesterday. We didn't come across any wilds as cool as Cloudburst on the big day, sadly, but there have been a few other interesting wilds of note over the past few days. 

tiniest hooves ever!

I really wished this one had had a better persona and metrics. So pretty!

this one may be part camel?

A cool appaloosa Grade Baroque Horse. I love her hoof striping!

Despite the let down on the HI3 front on Lily's birthday, we still had a great time. Probably the biggest highlight is that we all got presents: Mom surprised us with new Halloween costumes!

We all get to be Disney princesses! In case you're not up on such things, Felicity's Anna from Frozen, Bethany's Jasmine from Aladdin, Lily's Rapunzel from Tangled, and I'm Belle from Beauty and the Beast. :^) 

There is a 5th dress in this set, a pink Aurora dress, which would've made more sense hair-wise for Lily, but after trying on both, she much preferred the Rapunzel dress. (Who knows, maybe post-haircut Rapunzel spent a ton of time outside after being stuck in that tower so long, and the sun bleached her brown hair blond again.)

Needless to say, we're especially excited for our Halloween party with our cousins (Mom's sisters' dolls) this year! <3

Felicity, Bethany, and I didn't ever post anything about our birthday dogs around our birthdays, but I feel like it would be a shame if they never got mentioned. So, better late than never, here they all are!





I'd say none of these guys jives very well with its birthday person, but there are no ugly dogs in the mix, at least. Bethany's would likely win any sort of agility or intelligence contest. Felicity's probably wins if it was a cuteness contest, though Lily's is a close second. I quite like my spaniel and the picturesque dune background, and I highly doubt she actually cares one way or the other about sandy paws.

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