It's happened! It's finally happened!!!
Lily and Nebula headed out to Harbor Isle on my birthday eve and found him waiting there! Our long-awaited first +6/6 wild horse of 2018 is a big, dark brown...
Awesome, our herd's first Percheron is a big teddy bear of a stallion with handsome markings! He was well worth the wait! <3 As you can probably guess, we are all really happy about this even though it doesn't help with our current not-enough-mares situation. I am so used to seeing livery Percherons in various shades of gray - especially porcelain gray - in the livery that his brownness seems extra special.
That wasn't the end of the story on Harbor Isle, though. Lily found a second wild horse with a gorgeous avatar:
Too bad her stats weren't as nice as our Percheron's, but back-to-back +6/6ers? Yeah right, like that would ever happen to us.
PepsiSummer was still on Harbor Isle when I logged in on Wednesday, my first triple-eight birthday (8/8/18). It was really early: 5:20 in the morning our time. Why was I up that early? Well, Mom may be slightly insane - she gets up that early every weekday morning, and I figured why not spend some one-on-one time with her on my birthday morning?
Okay, so it wasn't just about keeping Mom company. Sadly, our HI2 subscription was expiring in a few short hours, (On my birthday! Ugh, what horrible timing!) and I didn't want to risk getting caught up in other things and forgetting to flute my birthday wild horse!
Here she is in all her red and black glory:
A starless Furioso mare!
I think I have a good shot at winning the prettiest profile artwork, best personality, and highest stat prizes this year. Yes!
She's not a very good match at all to my birthday calendar horse, though. Oh well!
Some of the quotes on this calendar sure are clunkers. XD |
Ophelia and I found two more wild horses on Harbor Isle. Maybe we should visit HI2 at 5:20 more often! The first one was yet another non-gray Percheron stallion.
He may be bigger than our Brownie, but his markings and stats aren't as nice.
Oh, and in case, like me, you are wondering what the world "insouciant" means, the dictionary says it's an adjective that means "showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent." Now we know!
The second wild we found was this lovely dapple gray Danish Warmblood.
Aw, why strength stat, why? She's so pretty - one of the last horses you'd expect to be a class clown. =D
For anyone wondering, Mom does plan to treat us to a new yearly sub. Probably by our next post, PepsiSummer's name will be blue and she'll be aboard a horse once more. Until then, she's stuck on foot.
Despite the let down of our sub expiring, and despite that it wasn't on a weekend like Felicity's, Mom's, and Julie's, I still had a really good birthday. The weather was gorgeous, I had an awesome ride on Dune in the shady backyard with my sisters and their horses, and everybody was extra nice to me. I finished off the day up in Mom's room. We watched some equestrian YouTube videos on Milton, and then I fell asleep cuddled up with Wendy and Tripod. It doesn't get much better. <3