Here is a complete list of our Horse Isle 2 horses, sorted by owner. It will be updated as needed.
Bethany's Equines
1. Ophelia
14.0 hand dapple gray Dales Pony mare
Drill Sergeant personality
3/6 positive skill stats, +36 total breed stats, 2263 total gene stats
a gift from IrishChocolate on our first day of HI2, 3/13/2013
2. Lysithea
14.2 hand gray splashed white American Paint Horse mare
2/6, -6, 2244
bought from buddy FluffyShadow on 6/2/2013
3. Kestrel
14.1 hand bay rabicano Australian Brumby stallion
6/6, +63, 2189
caught by Bethany aboard Lysithea on Desert Isle on 9/12/13
4. Mistral
13.3 hand gray Camargue stallion
6/6, +67, 2242
caught by Lily aboard Flora on Pitcher Isle on 10/2/13
5. Esker
13.1 hand sooty dun Connemara mare
6/6, +84, 2409
adopted from the humane society on 12/16/13
6. December
13.0 hand black Fell Pony stallion
Drill Sergeant
6/6, +75, 2250
adopted from the humane society on 12/12/13
adopted from the humane society on 1/10/14

25. Usko
15.0 hand gray Budyonny stallion
5/6, +65, 2315
won at auction from seller MissKay on 3/19/16

26. Ravenna
12.2 hand bay Newfoundland Pony mare
6/6, +81, 2181
adopted from the humane society on 6/10/16

27. Minuet
15.1 hand golden chestnut Hackney mare
5/6, +80, 2255
fluted by Felicity aboard Toasty on 8/29/16

8. Umber
15.2 hand brown Morab mare
6/6, +89, 2264
caught by Bethany aboard Kestrel on Harbor Isle on 2/8/14
9. Infrared
15.0 hand bay tobiano Tennessee Walking Horse stallion
Perfect Partner
4/6, +46, 2321
11. Uno
14.2 hand light bay Criollo stallion
My Buddy
5/6 (and one 0), +72, 2422
adopted from the humane society on 5/28/14
12. Yoshi
15.0 hand dun roan tobiano Racking Horse stallion
6/6, +64, 2314
13. Dasani
12.1 hand mealy brown Exmoor Pony mare
6/6, +91, 2141
caught by Bethany aboard Uno on Petal Isle on 6/3/14
14. Della
16.0 hand sorrel tobiano Spotted Draft Horse mare
6/6, +98, 2273
caught by Lily aboard Flora on Harbor Isle on 8/29/14
15. Airbrush
13.2 hand strawberry roan blagdon Gypsy Vanner stallion
5/6, +60, 2310
adopted from the humane society on 12/2/14
16. Xanthos
14.0 hand golden bay Peruvian Paso stallion
6/6, +75, 2325
adopted from the humane society on 2/6/15
17. Jenga
17.0 hand dark flaxen chestnut Belgian mare
Class Clown
6/6, +94, 2094
won at auction from seller Panic on 2/28/15
18. Quincy
16.1 hand brown Dutch Warmblood stallion
6/6, +83, 2283
20. Murphy
13.0 hand grey Camargue stallion
Drill Sergeant
6/6, +71, 2246

22. Eureka
18.0 hand golden chestnut Grade Draft Horse mare
It's Just A Job
5/6 (and a 0), +296, 1821
caught by Bethany aboard Ophelia on Crater Mountain Isle on 9/7/15
caught by Bethany aboard Ophelia on Crater Mountain Isle on 9/7/15

23. Cloudberry
14.2 hand dapple gray Dole stallion
15.0 hand gray Budyonny stallion
5/6, +65, 2315
won at auction from seller MissKay on 3/19/16

26. Ravenna
12.2 hand bay Newfoundland Pony mare
6/6, +81, 2181
adopted from the humane society on 6/10/16

27. Minuet
15.1 hand golden chestnut Hackney mare
5/6, +80, 2255
fluted by Felicity aboard Toasty on 8/29/16

28. Myth
16.2 hand white Appendix Quarter Horse stallion
6/6, +119, 2369
bought from buddy Irish on 8/30/16

29. Doppler
14.0 hand skewbald frame overo Chincoteague Pony stallion
6/6, +76, 2101
fluted by Felicity aboard Skyrocket on Pitcher Isle on 11/10/16

30. Promise
17.0 hand silver dun tobiano Warlander mare
6/6, +83, 2232
bought from buddy Irish on 3/1/17

31. Sassafras
13.0 hand red roan New Forest Pony mare
5/6, +80, 2405
won at auction from seller Ram on 9/14/17

32. Krypton
13.2 hand grey Camargue stallion
Pleasant Company
5/6 (and a zero), +76, 2251

34. Oriana
13.0 hand golden sorrel Haflinger mare
5/6, +84, 2284
bought from Primrose's ranch store on 12/25/18

35. Coquina
14.3 hand white grey Florida Cracker mare
4/6, +25, 2250
won at auction from seller SpotSong on 2/7/19
Felicity's Equines
1. Galileo
16.3 hand black chestnust sabino Calabrese stallion
5/6, +25, 2225
2. Arion
14.2 hand chestnut Thessalian stallion
5/6, +42, 2342
3. Vinca
12.0 hand minimal blue roan Newfoundland Pony mare
6/6, +104, 2204
our first 6/6 mare; caught by Lily aboard Flora on Petal Isle on 10/10/13
4. Toasty
15.3 hand silver dapple brown spotted blanket Noriker mare
5/6, +55, 2255
caught by Lily aboard Flora on Sunny Glade Isle on 11/1/13
5. 7Up
15.1 hand dapple gray Shagya Arabian mare
5/6, +60, 2310
adopted from the humane society on 11/6/13
6. Brio
15.3 hand cremello Morab stallion
6/6, +72, 2247
caught by Julie aboard Palladium on Harbor Isle on 11/9/13
14.0 hand chestnut leopard stallion
6/6, +57, 2107
caught by Julie aboard Hazel on Petal Isle on 1/18/14
10. Skyrocket
15.2 hand brindle sorrel sabino Appendix Quarter Horse mare
4/6 (with two 0's), +21, 2271
adopted from the humane society on 4/14/14
11. Quickstep
14.1 hand black minimal tobiano Paso Fino mare
5/6, +63, 2138
caught by Lily aboard Zephyr on Green Isle on 4/26/14
12. Aspen
14.2 hand perlino snowflake Nez Perce Horse mare
4/6 (and one 0), +22, 2492
adopted from the humane society on 5/20/14
15.2 hand cremello leopard Nez Perce Horse stallion
5/6, +58, 2508
adopted from the humane society on 8/10/14
14. Rally
15.3 hand black Don mare
6/6, +81, 2281
17. Gromit
16.0 hand dark grey Australian Stock Horse stallion
6/6, +94, 2294
adopted from the humane society on 3/27/15
18. Tang
14.1 hand dun Dole mare
6/6, +69, 2269
fluted by Felicity aboard Arion on Harbor Isle on 3/12/15
16.0 hand fleabitten gray Maremmano stallion
Pleasant Company
6/6, +92, 2442
bought from buddy Irish on 5/15/15
20. Burgundy
12.1 hand blood bay Mongolian Horse mare
6/6, +67, 2317
adopted from the humane society on 7/26/15
21. Kudos
16.3 hand mahogany bay Holsteiner stallion
4/6 (and a 0), +35, 2285
adopted from the humane society on 8/29/15
22. Orion
15.3 hand dun snowflake Nez Perce Horse stallion
5/6, +62, 2512
fluted by Bethany aboard Groovy on Brown Isle on 10/22/15
15.2 hand black leopard Bashkir Curly mare
Party Animal
6/6, +88, 2238
adopted from the humane society on 12/9/15
24. Wonderland
16.0 hand seal brown varnish roan Nez Perce Horse stallion
6/6, +48, 2498
a gift from our buddy Pinto on 1/20/16
25. Lumos
14.1 hand ulsblakk Norwegian Fjord stallion
5/6, +78, 2228
a gift from our buddy GemStoneSilence on 3/29/16
26. Quassia
16.2 hand liver chestnut Suffolk Punch mare
5/6, +75, 2125
adopted from the humane society on 6/3/16
27. 20-Karat
16.2 hand mahogany bay French Trotter stallion
6/6, +98, 2298
fluted by Julie aboard Nightshade on 8/9/16
28. Focaccia
15.3 hand blue roan tovero American Paint Horse mare
6/6, +93, 2343
bought from RavenWolf's ranch store on 10/29/16
29. Zenith
14.3 hand piebald splashed white American Paint Horse stallion
5/6, +80, 2330
caught by Felicity aboard Burgundy on Twin Rivers Isle on 1/14/17
30. Caraway
15.0 hand fleabitten gray Tersky mare
5/6, +81, 2431
fluted by Bethany aboard Doppler on Harbor Isle on 3/18/17
31. Cheeto
15.2 hand flaxen golden chestnut Franches Montagne stallion
5/6, +76, 2351
fluted by Julie aboard Melancholy on Palm Isle on 6/1/17
15.0 hand white gray Orlov Trotter mare
6/6, +59, 2259
fluted by Bethany aboard Esker on Ice Cube Isle on 12/22/17
33. Ebb
12.0 hand light dapple gray Eriskay Pony mare
5/6, +77, 2227
won at auction from seller Holiday on 1/27/18
won at auction from seller Holiday on 1/27/18
34. Hugo
15.0 hand dark brown Percheron stallion
6/6, +76, 2226
caught by Lily aboard Nebula on Harbor on 8/7/18
35. Nifty
16.0 hand bay leopard Noriker stallion
5/6, +83, 2283
adopted from the humane society on 3/8/19
1. Ravine
14.3 hand primitive dun Nokota stallion
2/6, -28, 2172
caught by Julie on Prairie Isle on 4/6/13
2. Nightshade
13.3 hand black American Mustang mare
Perfect Competitor
5/6, +60, 2285
3. Fortunado
14.0 hand chestnut roan sabino Spanish Barb stallion
4/6, +34, 2259
caught by Lily aboard Solo on Desert Isle on 9/9/13
4. Whinny
15.0 hand buckskin Morgan mare
5/6, +88, 2338
adopted from the humane society on 11/8/13
5. Palladium
16.3 hand dark dapple gray Irish Draught stallion
6/6, +78, 2303
caught by Julie aboard Shady on Twin Rivers Isle on 10/18/13
6. Hazel
16.2 hand sooty buckskin tobiano Warlander mare
5/6, +76, 2226
caught by Bethany aboard Esker on Dumbbell Isle on 12/23/13
7. Petra
15.1 hand red dun sabino Morab mare
5/6, +34, 2209
caught by Bethany aboard Esker on Harbor Isle on 3/1/14
8. Teddy
15.3 hand red roan American Quarter Horse stallion
4/6 (with two 0's), +15, 2290
bought from our buddy SpiritedRain on 2/1/14
9. Melancholy
16.2 hand gold champagne American Cream Draft mare
5/6, +54, 2279
caught by Julie aboard Shady on Prairie Isle on 4/12/2014
10. Napoleon
12.2 hand seal brown Welsh Mountain Pony stallion
6/6, +92, 2342
caught by Julie aboard Teddy on Bud Isle on 5/18/2014
11. Vaquero
16.2 hand dark bay American Quarter Horse stallion
6/6, +79, 2354
caught by Julie aboard Shady on Prairie Isle on 6/14/2014
12. Landslide
15.3 hand brown Welsh Cob stallion
Perfect Competitor
6/6, +79, 2354
a gift from Irish on 6/14/2014
13. Xanadu
15.0 hand golden roan Peruvian Paso mare
6/6, +71, 2321
caught by Julie aboard Hazel on Prairie Isle on 7/3/2014
14. Kaleidoscope
15.2 hand silver dapple bay tobiano American Paint Horse mare
6/6, +79, 2354
bought from buddy Irish on 6/28/14
15. Tinsel
19.1 hand blue roan Shire stallion
Pleasant Company
5/6, +70, 2145
adopted from the humane society on 12/16/14
16. Jolly
14.2 hand porcelain gray Russian Heavy Draft stallion
5/6, +65, 2190
caught by Julie aboard Petra on Crystal Isle on 12/31/14
17. Flare
16.2 hand chestnut Gelderland stallion
Perfect Competitor
5/6, +71, 2296
caught by Julie aboard Ravine on Twin Rivers Isle on 4/11/15
18. Inna
14.2 hand liver chestnut Russian Heavy Draft mare
Perfect Competitor
5/6, +33, 2158
caught by Julie aboard Ravine on Twin Rivers Isle on 4/11/15
19. Phoenix
12.1 hand brown sabino Paso Fino stallion
5/6, +46, 2121
bought from buddy Irish on 6/11/15
20. Fanta
12.0 hand liver chestnut Dartmoor mare
It's Just A Job
6/6, +134, 2284
bought from buddy Irish on 7/31/15
21. Galena
16.1 hand dapple grey sabino Irish Draught mare
Best Friend
6/6, +72, 2297
fluted by Julie aboard Fanta on Windy Pines Isle on 8/28/15
15.1 hand palomino sabino Racking Horse mare
6/6, +49, 2299
caught by Julie aboard Hazel on Windy Pines Isle on 10/19/15
23. Dontatello
16.0 hand black chestnut Calabrese stallion
6/6, +75, 2275
fluted by Felicity aboard Vinca on Square Isle on 1/26/16
24. Sardonyx
17.3 hand red roan Belgian stallion
Would-Be Retiree
5/6, +56, 2056
fluted by Felicity aboard Equinox on Boot Isle on 2/28/16
25. Yellowstone
16.2 hand perlino Westphalian mare
6/6, +61, 2336
adopted from the humane society on 4/27/16
adopted from the humane society on 4/27/16
26. Iolite
13.2 hand black Welsh Cob stallion
6/6, +76, 2251
caught by Julie aboard Flare on Islands Lake Isle on 5/20/16
27. Juliet
13.3 hand red dun Paso Fino mare
Drill Sergeant
6/6, +35, 2110
created with a horse token by Julie on 9/17/16
created with a horse token by Julie on 9/17/16
28. Parallax
16.2 hand buttermilk buckskin AQH stallion
6/6, +74, 2349
bought from buddy Irish on 8/24/16

29. Blush
14.1 hand cremello Kaimanawa mare
5/6, +84, 2234
adopted from the humane society on 3/4/17

30. Tchaikovsky
17.1 hand white gray Orlov Trotter stallion
5/6, +79, 2279
fluted by Julie aboard Xanadu on Crystal Isle on 12/15/16

31. Araceli
14.3 hand buckskin Gypsy Vanner mare
6/6, +80, 2330
caught by Julie aboard Kaleidoscope on Windy Pines Isle on 6/24/17

32. Ghirardelli
15.0 hand brown Ardennais stallion
6/6, +128, 2328
bought from our buddy Irish on 2/2/18

33. Rhodium
16.2 hand white gray Shire stallion
5/6, +94, 2169
adopted from the humane society on 4/10/18

34. Yew
12.2 hand blonde sorrel Dartmoor Pony stallion
6/6, +92, 2242
won at auction from seller SwanSong on 5/14/18

35. Upsweep
16.1 hand light brown Irish Draught mare
6/6, +82, 2307
fluted by Felicity aboard Vivaldi on Dumbbell Isle on 2/22/19
Lily's Equines
1. Yetta
16.2 hand grulla tobiano Warlander mare
3/6, -17, 2133
caught by Lily on Big Forest Isle on 4/29/13
2. Solitaire
16.1 hand flaxen sorrel Jutland stallion
5/6, +55, 2230
caught by Lily aboard Yetta on Droplet Isle on 8/23/13
3. Flora
15.3 hand dapple gray Westphalian mare
Drill Sergeant
5/6, +68, 2343
bought from buddy SnowFlakeFilly on 9/18/13
4. Zephyr
15.2 hand cremello sabino American Paint Horse stallion
6/6, +83, 2333
caught by Lily aboard Flora on Islands Lake Isle on 10/2/13
5. Cider
16.1 hand bay silver dapple Finnhorse stallion
Drill Sergeant
5/6, +86, 2286
caught by Lily aboard Yetta on White Isle on 10/25/13
6. Icing
16.2 hand mahogany bay Shire mare
5/6, +89, 2153
caught by Julie aboard Palladium on Harbor Isle on 12/21/13
7. Jessamine
14.0 hand white gray New Forest Pony mare
6/6, +88, 2413
caught by Lily aboard Zephyr on Stem Isle on 1/8/14
8. Wintergreen
13.3 hand olive grullo Highland Pony stallion
5/6, +59, 2309
won at auction from seller DobbinIsMyHorse by Lily on 3/4/14
9. Rosetta
16.1 hand light dapple gray Salernitano mare
5/6, +50, 2250
adopted from the humane society on 3/22/14
10. Onyx
16.2 hand black Noriker stallion
6/6, +78, 2278
won at auction from seller AbacoBarb on 5/27/14
11. Balderdash
12.2 hand white gray New Forest Pony mare
6/6, +110, 2435
caught by Felicity aboard Equinox on Seedling Isle on 5/20/14
12. Zesty
15.3 hand primitive dun Nokota mare
6/6, +80, 2280
caught by Lily aboard Rosetta on Twin Rivers Isle on 5/24/14
13. Judo
15.2 hand brown Westphalian stallion
5/6, +48, 2323
a gift from buddy Irish on 8/1/14
14. Zoom
16.2 hand black chestnut Kinsky stallion
6/6, +71, 2396
adopted from the humane society on 9/2/14
15. Anya
15.3 hand golden chestnut Don mare
Easily Distracted
6/6, +68, 2268
fluted by Felicity aboard Xenon on Harbor Isle on 10/5/14

16. Stromboli
14.3 hand light brown Sicilian mare
5/6, +81, 2381
17. Poinsettia
14.1 hand bay Mongolian Horse mare
5/6, +84, 2334
caught by Bethany aboard Esker on Crystal Isle on 12/22/14
18. Nimbus
13.0 hand gray Eriskay Pony stallion
5/6, +83, 2233
adopted from the humane society on 5/12/15
19. Vega
15.3 hand mahogany bay Furioso mare
6/6, +97, 2372
fluted by Lily aboard Flora on Bend Isle on 4/18/15

20. Brushfire
16.1 hand red roan overo Nokota stallion
6/6, +72, 2272
fluted by Bethany aboard Jenga on Bend Isle on 8/16/15

21. Zaffre
15.2 hand liver chestnut American Quarter Horse mare
5/6, +79, 2354
caught by Lily aboard Flora on Islands Lake Isle on 9/19/15

22. Halcyon
14.1 hand silver dapple brown tobiano Mangalarga Marchador stallion
5/6, +60, 2335
fluted by Bethany aboard Quasar on Dumbbell Isle on 10/15/15

fluted by Felicity aboard Herbie on Twin Forest Isle on 11/30/15

24. Ultraviolet
13.1 hand dark dun Newfoundland Pony mare
5/6, +88, 2188
adopted from the humane society on 2/14/16

25. Nyssa
13.2 hand mahogany bay Florida Cracker mare
5/6, +77, 2302
fluted by Julie aboard Galena on Pitcher Isle on 6/18/16

26. Yonder
15.0 hand blue roan spotted blanket Kaimanawa stallion
Perfect Competitor
6/6, +111, 2261
adopted from the humane society on 4/27/16

27. Forte
16.2 hand sooty palomino Hanoverian stallion
It's Just a Job
6/6, +50, 2300
bought from LeeTia's ranch store on 9/11/16

28. Vixen
17.0 hand golden sorrel Mulassier mare
5/6, +42, 2167
a gift from buddy GemStoneSilence on 12/24/16

a gift from buddy Pooh (through Gem) on 6/3/17

29. Ganache
an 18.1 hand seal brown Shire mare
5/6, +81, 2156

31. Lucchese
15.0 hand mahogany bay Cleveland Bay stallion
6/6, +81, 2206
caught by Julie aboard Xanadu on Boot Isle on 6/25/17

32. Quip
16.2 hand dapple rose gray Hanoverian mare
5/6, +84, 2334
won at auction from seller Front on 3/2/18

33. Nebula
13.3 hand dun tobiano Icelandic Horse mare
5/6, +83, 2258
won at auction from seller EmoSupremo on 3/17/18

34. Ianthe

34. Ianthe
16.1 hand bay Danish Warmblood mare
Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant
5/6, +80, 2330
adopted from the humane society on 11/1/18

35. Altai
13.1 hand white grey Mongolian Horse stallion
Strong, Silent Type
5/6, +74, 2324
fluted by Felicity aboard Gromit on Snowflake Isle on 12/26/18
I <3 your horses!
ReplyDeleteThe horses thank you, random anonymous person! =)
DeleteThanks for visiting!
Please keep posting HI2 pics! :D I play HI2 every day on Lifecycle I know your probably on eternal but you should get an account and add me! RosePony is my user name, I'm on Eternal but I only stay on the welcome island because I want to LOL. Thanks for reading! And yes LOL I'm anonymous.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to hear you appreciate the HI2 pics! We will keep them coming. =)
DeleteYep, we do play the Eternal version of HI2. We picked it because we didn't want the drama of horses aging and dying. As you've probably noticed, we tend to get pretty attached to our virtual beauties!
It's too bad we are playing on different versions! Lol, you've never left Eternal's welcome isle? That's great. XD Have you seen any new players appear there? Welcome Isle was deserted (aside from the NPC's) the day we joined.