Okay, enough of my rambling. Let's get to the winners!
Category 1:
Fluted wild that looks the most like the horse on Mom's calendar
The winner is Julie's Shagya! It's far from a perfect match, but the horses have the same base color, chestnut. That was all it took this year.
My Swedish Warmblood (perlino tobiano) wasn't that terribly far off from my palomino, but the spots vs no spots and different eye colors counted against them. Bethany's Sugarbush Draft (buckskin blanket appaloosa) and pale palomino were pretty dissimilar, as were Lily's Gelderland (dapple gray) and palomino. (Side note: what's with all the palominos on Mom's calendar? They're nice looking horses and all, but isn't variety the spice of life?)
Category 2:
Fluted wild with the prettiest/handsomest profile artwork
All four of our flutes were quite good-looking this year! First place ended up a tie between my Swedish Warmblood and Julie's Shagya Arabian. (The risk you take when there are 4 judges.) Let's just say my flute gets the prettiest profile artwork prize:
and Julie's gets the handsomest profile artwork prize:
Category 3:
Fluted wild with the coolest avatar
Fluted wild with the coolest avatar
We unanimously awarded this one to Bethany's Sugarbush Draft. <3 It doesn't get much cooler than buckskin with a frosty rump.
If my Swedish Warmblood had had a tail that matched her cool orangey-gold mane, it would've been harder to choose between the two!
There were no boring or unattractive avatars in the bunch this year. Third place is a tie again, this time between Julie's Shagya:
and Lily's dapper dappled Gelderland:
Category 4:
Fluted wild with the best personality
Fluted wild with the best personality
Bethany's flute was the clear winner. Interestingly, 3 of the 4 flutes were "Unique" personalities this year. Julie's broke the mold with the "Drill Sergeant" personality label.
My flute was a not-so-distant second, also with 3 traits on the desired right side of the chart.
Category 5:
Fluted wild with the highest sum of stats for its breed
Fluted wild with the highest sum of stats for its breed
My flute crushed the competition with an impressive +54 total!
Second went to Bethany's Sugarbush with a +12.
Julie's Shagya squeaked into third with a -12.
Lily's Gelderland came in last with a -13. Sorry, Lily!
The competition was fierce in this category this year. Last year the totals ranged from a mere +5 (Bethany's) to -82 (Julie's.)
Category 6:
Fluted wild with the highest total sum of stats
Fluted wild with the highest total sum of stats
My flute wins yet again with a stat total of 2254!
Julie's Shagya squeaked into second with a 2238 stat total.
Bethany's Sugarbush is just barely in third with a 2237 stat total.
Lily's Gelderland is fourth again.
And now for two more random categories we decided to add for fun.
Category 7:
Fluted wild that coordinated best with the dog of the day on Mom's calendar
Fluted wild that coordinated best with the dog of the day on Mom's calendar
Bethany's Sugarbush wins!
Yay for spots!
Category 8:
Most Intelligent Fluted Wild
Most Intelligent Fluted Wild
Let's hear it for Lily's Gelderland! We think he ought to win something after how much it cost to flute him. XD
Bethany's and my flutes have tied with 3 wins each, so we are the winners! We're not sure what the prizes are going to be, now that HI2 is so laggy. Maybe we can each choose something to build next on our HI3 ranch? Or we could concentrate on doing something special for Star and Gryff first, like getting them their own tack or stat training them first. Hmm...
Before we get totally sucked back into HI3, though, I have to mention what happened on November 15, during literally the last few minutes of our expensive monthly subscription. Julie had logged on to flute one last wild horse. Roughly 2 minutes remained before the sub expired. Not knowing if the sub expiration would immediately take effect, she and Ravine hurried to a non-Ton island and played that flute (sound on so we could hear the effect one last time.)
It was a pale horse whose avatar reminds us of Zephyr's, one of our first +6/6 wilds.
This horse, however, was not a cremello sabino APH, but a fancy "golden ivory champagne" sabino Mangalarga Marchador! Behold:
Wouldn't you know it, he had great +6/6 stats too: they add up to +85!
Turns out the sub expiration did not immediately go into effect - it doesn't do so until you log out and log back in. This means we had some time to ride around the very handsome Manga and dig up some pirate treasures on Narrowed Isle.
Before we get totally sucked back into HI3, though, I have to mention what happened on November 15, during literally the last few minutes of our expensive monthly subscription. Julie had logged on to flute one last wild horse. Roughly 2 minutes remained before the sub expired. Not knowing if the sub expiration would immediately take effect, she and Ravine hurried to a non-Ton island and played that flute (sound on so we could hear the effect one last time.)
It was a pale horse whose avatar reminds us of Zephyr's, one of our first +6/6 wilds.
This horse, however, was not a cremello sabino APH, but a fancy "golden ivory champagne" sabino Mangalarga Marchador! Behold:

Wouldn't you know it, he had great +6/6 stats too: they add up to +85!

Turns out the sub expiration did not immediately go into effect - it doesn't do so until you log out and log back in. This means we had some time to ride around the very handsome Manga and dig up some pirate treasures on Narrowed Isle.
I don't know if HI2 was thanking us for the 6+ years we faithfully played or was trying to get us to re-subscribe, but at any rate it certainly got our attention. XD Maybe it will motivate us to resubscribe for a while once the novelty of HI3 has worn off a bit. We'll see...