It's been a spectacular September here in the mitten - we typically get some of our nicest weather of the year, and this go around has been no exception. Even better, the humans have had great reason to get out and enjoy it, since ArtPrize is back in downtown Grand Rapids until October 2. Mom's been lucky enough to get out to see a lot of art in person, while we get to enjoy it vicariously through her photos.
Here are some of our favorites!
First, our picks from this year's series of daily monster drawings, Monstravaganza. (I think we were all hungry at the time...)

Bethany's pick: pickle otter

Julie's pick: popcorn llama

Lily's pick: blueberry ox

my pick: taco Nessie
And now for a stroll for through our personal top 5's. I'm going to go first, because this is my post and I'm eager, ha ha.
Felicity's Picks:
Reclamation-Golden Hour
series of sculptures made from foraged materials and fibers
They are supposed to make the viewer think about walking through a forest at dusk, and I can see that. I was more thinking of forest fairies creating these with magic... but that's probably because I spend so much time around Bethany.
a closeup on my favorite (from ArtPrize's website)
Return To Office
photographic tryptic
I feel like all my fellow introverts can relate to this one.
Reflections of Dali: Anamorphic Symmetry in Wood
birch plywood stained various colors + reflective column = Dali's portrait
Twelve Drummers Drumming
Colored pencil masterpiece of many animals (more than 12, I think) drumming and/or plugging their ears.
sculptures made of willow branches, spray paint, screws, and lights
Ok, so the name could've been more creative, but it's easy to remember. I think this was done by the same artist who made the hummingbird last year, which was one of Julie's top picks. Putting these guys by the Grand River and adding lights gave them a fun, magical quality - similar to how my first pick made me feel.

The lights slowly change color
A nighttime view
Bethany's Picks:
giant iridescent bubble inflatables
They look cool by day, but I think they are especially pleasing to behold at night.
Great Lakes Embroidery Series
the landscapes are based off photos the artist has taken herself
a close up on the Pictured Rocks scene to give you an idea of the detail and scale
(photo from the ArtPrize website)
Unspooky Alphabet
26 ink drawings of animals in various occupations, from an alpaca accountant to a zebra zookeeper
Michigan Beauty
Bethany's favorite of several oil paintings in this series depicting Michigan nature scenes
Tale of 10 Dresses
10 wearable dresses made from the pages of various books
some of Bethany's favorites:
the Secret Garden dress (far left) and Disney dress (center)
another especially cool one, the Harry Potter dress
It's fun that each dress had a framed photo nearby of a real person modeling it
Julie's Picks:
one of several Lake Michigan driftwood sculptures from MI.eden
(Driftwood Adam/Groot was hanging out with various driftwood animals)
Have a Seat
mixed media: torn and cut paper, colored pencil
If you look closely, you can see a racehorse picture on the wall of the first one.
Julie says she would most want to sit in the plush red one.
fish sculpture bedazzled with tons of crystals
After Party Guests
scrap metal installation
Lucindas East of Eden
oil on canvas
I think we all know why Julie picked this one. <3
Lily's Picks:
Perfectly Imperfect 2.0
one of many starburst style flowers in this entry, which are crafted from handmade papercloth and metal
No Use Crying Over Spilled Paint
paint cans, puzzle pieces, and paint on canvas
Ebb and Flow
acrylic and oil paint on polished brass and aluminum: a series of 5 bird-themed scenes
this incredibly talented artist, a veteran, has had his artwork featured in this fountain for several years in a row. (They're sealed with a clear, waterproof coating, so it's ok if they get wet.)
Belgian and the Poppy
what a gorgeous glass mosaic!
Dancing Sky
This is "Spirit Dancers," one of several mixed media masterpieces in this series depicting northern lights scenes. As always, we love this artist's style and all the imbedded sparkly stones.
On the Star Stable front, we're still lagging away. It's becoming the new normal, which bites, but we haven't given up playing, at least not yet. We're in the midst of a 4-week birthday celebration: Star Stable is now 12 years old. Neither of the two horses only available during the event are must-haves, though we do quite like them.
We've been enjoying the decorations and the special tasks, especially the daily cake baking: 200 Jorvik shillings a day just for that!
And finally, some big real-life news.
You may recall that Nala, our aunt's high energy, intense, ridiculously strong, power chewing, couch- and toy-loving pittie mix, lived under the same roof as us and Mom for several years. Most recently, Nala spent almost a year living primarily with our aunt in an apartment, only returning for short-term visits while our aunt and her boyfriend were away. Everybody was much happier with this arrangement, Nala especially. Sadly, our aunt lost Nala in August due to advanced lymphoma.
Rest in peace, Nala.
I personally thought for sure she'd make it well into her senior years, as strong and energetic as she was. By our best estimates, she was only approaching 8 years old.
Our aunt spends considerable time working from home, so Nala's abrupt absence had to have been extra hard on her. We were so happy to hear that she and her boyfriend have adopted a new dog from a local shelter. Meet Hazel, the "boxer mix!"
She may bear a striking resemblance to Nala physically (and will be able to wear a lot of her gear), but she is her own dog: sweet, a bit shy, people-loving, and - thank goodness - not an energizer bunny meets bull in a china shop.
We all loved her when she came to visit for the first time this week. She has issues with separation anxiety, apparently, but we're sure rooting for it to work out with training. (If not, we have room for her here!)
Welcome to the fam, Hazel! <3