Our epic treasure hunt continued with a search for the remaining three special stones.
Tigertin was Clara's mount for the Earth Stone search.

Our epic treasure hunt continued with a search for the remaining three special stones.
Tigertin was Clara's mount for the Earth Stone search.
Yes, that's right: Star Stable has rolled out another weeklong horse bazaar! They've crammed 8 models in this time around!
Four breeds are being discounted in all color variations: the Knabstrupper, the Appaloosa, the Morgan, and the American Paint Horse. Also, some specific coat colors of other breeds, which used to only exist on the Star Stable app, are being added to the game and are on discount right now. These include two dun Norwegian Fjords, a chestnut splash Gotland Pony, a gray Icelandic Horse, and a mealy bay Finnhorse.
Wow, talk about cool horse overload! Let's take a closer look at them!
The Knabstrupper comes in some super fun appaloosa patterns. At one time, we were thinking we might want one of these rather than an Appaloosa, since they don't do the annoying dozing idle animation. After observing their gaits, however, we're not as sure about them as we once were. They give off more cartoony vibes than is our preference.
The Norwegian Fjord is one cool horse breed. And, since Mom has ancestors from Norway, that gives them extra appeal to my sisters and me. We are very tempted by these guys, though we don't love their gaits.
Aw, another adorable Gotland Pony! Our faves are still the two mealy ones, though, so we'll pass on this one.
Oh, the Appaloosa. I successfully steered my sisters away from these the previous times they've been on sale. They have fantastic, varied spotted coats, and they have a more streamlined look and animations than their older appaloosa-spotted competition, the Knabstrupper. The reason we don't have one already is because they are huge snoozers while idling, and we prefer our horses to seem alert and interested. However, the discount on these guys brought the price down from 900 star coins to 499, and that's hard to ignore. Also, after paying more attention to some other breeds' animations, like the lip-curling Mustangs and Dartmoors, and the excessive head tossing of some of the warmbloods, we realized sleeping isn't that bad.
The gray Icelandic is awfully cute! We'd love to have one of these in the herd, both because we like the breed and animations, and also because there's an Icelandics-only race we've never been able to participate in. We'd probably choose a color other than gray, though, as much as we love grays. (We already have two: Magic and Snowy. And Artie can look gray... or is it blue roan? when he wants to also.)
As we've said before, there's something about the faces of Star Stable's Morgans that we just don't love. They seem a little overly broad in the forehead and slightly bug-eyed to me. From a distance or even from the side, though, these guys look great, and we love their gaits and the color options. This one, the black rabicano, is probably my favorite. I think the big asymmetric face marking kind of distracts from the odd face shape and eye positioning.
Aw, what a cute Finnhorse! We came close to buying a Finnhorse at a previous bazaar. Being an older model, they don't have super streamlined animations and can't wear a lot of the more recent tack, which is a big reason why we passed over them before.
Finally, the American Paint Horse. This is still one of our favorite breeds on the game, for sure. If we were to get multiples of any breed, it would probably be this one. Star Stable has added a few more color variations to the game since we took home Brighty the buckskin tobiano, but we're still very happy with our choice. <3
My sisters were not to be talked out of buying a horse this go-around. Having a nice, even 10 equines was great while it lasted! We looked most seriously at the new Morgan and the Appaloosas. After going to see both closer up at Firgrove and Starshine Ranch, respectively, we ruled out the Morgan.
We find the Appaloosas cuter, despite their frequent dozing. But which one, and what to name it? This took us AGES!