Star Stable's focus over the last few weeks has been on the medieval area, where new races and other new items have been added. It has not inspired us to shell out major shillings for the super expensive medieval tack or clothing, though a lot of it is really cool.
Clara took Snowy for one last evening ride in the snow before it disappeared for the season.

Impractical but very pretty!

Goodbye, virtual snow!
Winter still has the Mitten tightly in its grip: our real-life cold and snow and aren't going anywhere anytime soon. *Sighs* So, while we may have retired the holiday sweaters for the season, we still have Clara wearing wintery outfits: non-holiday sweaters, fleeces, quilted vests, or coats, usually paired with mittens.
In our quest to earn all of the medieval-themed championship ribbons, we continued participating in quite a few championships. The club we recently joined even held a "competition night" last weekend, where the intent was to participate in the championships together. Participation was pretty sparse - a lot of the time it was just Clara and the two club leaders, plus plenty of other non-club competitors, of course. Ironically, the best attended was the one in Valedale, where most of us (including Clara and Panda) failed to complete the course. Oops. Clara did much better in ones that followed, even winning two "regular" ribbons before the end of the night.
Here are a few fun pre-championship screenshots.
I wish we could've seen how they got up there!
Somebody else has a twin Paso Fino to our Riverrock called "Riverracer!" I guess we're not the only ones who think the reverse dapples look like rippling water.
All the competitions mean extra shillings to spend!
We spent some on this forest green top and saddle pad, figuring they will get lots of use in March especially.

Here's a peek at the new purple saddle pad, leg wraps, and top we treated ourselves with in honor of Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, this is the most expensive saddle pad we will (hopefully) ever buy. We were clicking too fast and accidentally used star coins to buy it rather than using Jorvik shillings. The mistake cost us 55 star coins, over half of what we make in a week as a Star Rider, or over 2 weeks of what it costs for every-other-day stable care. Ugh, we hope never to do that again. We felt so bad about it that we haven't spent any star coins on stable care since. Instead, we spent a week caring for all 14 horses ourselves, and now we are midway through using one of our precious tickets for a week of free stable care.
Another unfortunate recent development: a persistent, super inconvenient bug. Usually at least once a day, this screen randomly appears when we click on something. The only way to get rid of it is to force quit our Star Stable session. This may not sound like that big a deal, but if you have partially-completed tasks when this happens, you lose all progress on said tasks. For example, this has happened to us multiple times when we had completed a championship but hadn't yet returned to Moorland or the far-flung medieval area to claim our daily championship rewards. Hence, we have to revisit Moorland and the medieval area to restart the tasks, complete another championship, and return yet again to Moorland and the medieval area to claim the rewards. Not cool.
It seems to happen most often when we're doing stable chores or clicking on gather-able plants or recyclables, but it's also happened twice now when trying to claim our reward after one of the Baroness's training races. We've wised up and avoid doing these things when we have major tasks in progress, but we sure wish we didn't have to. Fingers crossed this gets fixed soon!
On a happier note, we did finally complete our medieval ribbon collection this weekend.
As anticipated, the flying pig is our unanimous favorite, though we also like the helmet a lot more than we thought we would. =)
In other news, we've been occasionally hanging out with a new buddy on the game. We've visited each other's stables (she has gorgeous horses, none of them duplicates to ours), and we've done some comps and group races together. She even led us to a hard-to-find star!
We both love the Icelandics and bought ours at the same end-of-the-year bazaar
Her dapple gray Ardennes is so cute - and it matches the NPC horse near the well in Moorland.
The hidden (and waterlogged) star!
Our buddy has collected almost all of the stars, while we are nowhere close.
Finally, here's a look at the two new dragon/Friesian horses that joined the game this week, Ryume and Keima. (Ryume, the black one, was also in one of the pre-competition screenshots above, as you may have noticed.)

So far, Keima seems to be more popular, judging by how many we've seen being ridden around by their proud new owners. The opalescent thing they have going on with their scales in dragon form is a fantastic touch.
They're great in both dragon and horse forms, and the fire-breathing feature in dragon form is especially impressive. Will we ever buy one? Alas, probably not. Bethany and I really like them, but Lily and Julie aren't as wild about them in dragon form. Lily would prefer we stick to horses only, this being a horse game. Julie finds the dragons' crocodilian mouths a bit off-putting and prefers the older dragons, Aldrach and Faramawr.
It's all hypothetical anyway, thanks to the steep 950 star coin price tag on all 4 of these guys. As long as we can keep from inadvertently clicking on things we shouldn't, our star coins are safe for now. Until next time!