Naturally, my sisters and I had to try it out. We each designed one to look like as much like us as we could.
Lily and I can be recreated quite successfully. Though, since clones of me are still available as Truly Me Doll #55, I'm not sure why you would want to recreate me. The create-your-own dolls are a whopping $200 apiece, whereas all of the other dolls are currently priced at $115.
Felicity cannot be duplicated so easily, but since her clones are also available now (albeit in very unflattering dresses), again, why would you want to? I think it's the most interesting to see what Julie would look like in AG form. Pretty cute, but the real Julie still looks more like Mom.
AG introduced something else that's been of particular interest to us:
They're calling it the Western Horse and describe it as golden brown with a dark brown mane and tail (and legs). I'm not sure what this would make a horse in real life. I'm pretty sure buckskins have to have black points, and there aren't any primitive markings to make it a dun... Hmm, champagne, maybe?
It's disappointing that this $75 horse doesn't come with a saddle. You can buy the Saddle and Award Set separately for an additional $38. Ouch. If we were ever - hypothetically, of course - to buy this horse, we'd get an English saddle for it on eBay.
This hypothetical horse would also need an owner. Hence, my sisters and I then entertained ourselves by each creating a hypothetical 5th sister.
From my imagination:
I love this face mold, and wouldn't it be cool to have a doll with textured black hair? (Finally black is possible! Nearly all of AG's Truly Me dark-haired dolls have black-brown or dark brown hair.) Her eyes are a gorgeous dark brown, so they wouldn't be copying Julie's medium brown ones.
From Felicity's imagination:
Gray eyes are now possible too! Combine them with the almond-eyed face mold and long, curly black hair, and you've got a unique, beautiful doll.
From Julie's imagination:

This beautiful doll has easy-to-maintain straight black hair, the almond-eyed face mold, and those pretty dark brown eyes.
From Lily's imagination:
Lily paired the same face mold I chose with medium-length curly blond hair and - again - the dark brown eyes. Lovely choice, Lily.
Shifting gears to HI2, we have news there too.
While in the auction house to auction a wild Chincoteague this past Thursday, I checked out the other horses there. (Bad habit, I know, but I can't help myself.) I get to the New Forest Pony, and whoa, baby! She's +80 and going to the foreign bidder for only $5,406?!
Not on my watch!
So now she's hanging out with us, and she's as cute as can be. Here's what her avatar looks like:
Her arrival may have just blown it for Cheeto and that almost-6/6 Camargue. Things still could change, but right now we're leaning towards keeping her as our September horse, since her stats are highest, and saying goodbye to the two stallions. We're also considering replacing our carrot patch with a horse store, in the hopes that these stallions and other future nice horses we want to re-home can be more easily found by people who want them. We've had no luck auctioning horses in the past, and putting horses in a store somehow feels better than just dropping them off in the livery and hoping for the best. Making a little money rather than losing it to surrender a horse wouldn't hurt either. ;^)
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