We're finally into April, Felicity! Before March drew to a close, though, we found our third and fourth March equines with +900 genetic stat totals! We have been playing a bit more than usual, but this still seems like a lot. Either we were lucky or they are more common than we thought.
#3 is our first ever from the plains biome.
Aw, I love his color and his long mane! He reminds me of a mini Spirit, only without the eel stripe.
Despite having a 280 genetic speed stat, he isn't very speedy and is lazy besides. He has a powerful jump, though, and he's really brave!
Even though he's built like a horse (the expert even deemed him a Grade Pleasure Horse), he's a little guy: only 12 hands, which is the minimum rideable height on the game. Sadly, Pepsi looks way too big for him. I wonder if she'd look any less awkward if he had a more rotund build?
Sorry, Okey Dokie! It's just not going to work.
Here is #4, another pony:

So, without Okey Dokie in the running, we had 5 equines vying for spots in the herd: Bold Venture, Horsey McHorse Face, Medley, Smokey, and Peach Blossom. (Mariette got a free pass into the herd because she's a lucky find. We've decided for now, at least, that lucky finds are bonuses.)
Like Horsey McHorse Face, we found her in the black sands biome. She has snowflakes! Because she's a cremello, they're not very obvious, but they're there.

Her performance metrics are underwhelming, especially her speed. The expert labelled her a Grade European Hotblood. Her personality isn't typical "hotblood" at all, and she doesn't look much like one either, in my opinion, anyway. She's really cute, though, whatever she is.
She's still little, but 6 inches and a broader barrel make a big difference.
So, without Okey Dokie in the running, we had 5 equines vying for spots in the herd: Bold Venture, Horsey McHorse Face, Medley, Smokey, and Peach Blossom. (Mariette got a free pass into the herd because she's a lucky find. We've decided for now, at least, that lucky finds are bonuses.)
As much as we liked all 6, no way were we adding 6 equines to the herd in March. We said our fond farewells to Bold Venture and Medley. It was tough, but Lily finally convinced us. BV's skittishness and laziness make him not-so-fun to ride, but we will miss his stripes and his goofy pacing. Medley's odd conformation edged him out of the running, but we will miss him and his awesome bend-or spots.
Of the remaining 3, Horsey McHorse Face is by far the fastest and has the most powerful jump, the most practical metrics for making speedy mail deliveries. She's also the laziest of the bunch and only has 2 personality traits on the desirable side of the chart.
Smokey has the highest genetic stat total and most desirable personality, but he is also the smallest and doesn't have any stand-out performance metrics other than a low stamina drop.
Peach Blossom has the lowest genetic stat total. She has similar performance metrics to Smokey, but most of Smokey's are a little better. Like Horsey McHorse face, she's lazy enough to slow down for a while whenever you first get on her. The biggest things she has going for her are her spots and overall cuteness.
We took a vote to decide - Lily's idea. Lily and Felicity picked HMHF. (I thought for sure Felicity would choose Peach, but I guess she's holding out for more obvious appaloosa spots.) Bethany and I picked Smokey. That means both of them get to stay!
Peach Blossom is still hanging out for now, on the off chance we are really unlucky with wilds in April. I don't think her odds are very good, if March was any indication, but you never know...
Now for some fun screenshots!
Of the remaining 3, Horsey McHorse Face is by far the fastest and has the most powerful jump, the most practical metrics for making speedy mail deliveries. She's also the laziest of the bunch and only has 2 personality traits on the desirable side of the chart.
Smokey has the highest genetic stat total and most desirable personality, but he is also the smallest and doesn't have any stand-out performance metrics other than a low stamina drop.
Peach Blossom has the lowest genetic stat total. She has similar performance metrics to Smokey, but most of Smokey's are a little better. Like Horsey McHorse face, she's lazy enough to slow down for a while whenever you first get on her. The biggest things she has going for her are her spots and overall cuteness.
We took a vote to decide - Lily's idea. Lily and Felicity picked HMHF. (I thought for sure Felicity would choose Peach, but I guess she's holding out for more obvious appaloosa spots.) Bethany and I picked Smokey. That means both of them get to stay!
Peach Blossom is still hanging out for now, on the off chance we are really unlucky with wilds in April. I don't think her odds are very good, if March was any indication, but you never know...
Now for some fun screenshots!
I think even Horsey McHorse Face was chuckling at this.
Can you spot the 4th wild in this shot?
There was a 5th wild hiding near that dark horse on the far side of the ridge. =)
Our first manchado wild!
Another gorgeous but otherwise unimpressive leopard applaoosa.
Isn't it cute that you can still tell this guy has an eel stripe?
Must've been a hot mediterranean day.
Before checking this poor pony's height (11.1 hands), we accidentally had Pepsi try to mount it.
This was the result.
She could walk and run around like this. XD
In hindsight, we should've had her try jumping and crouching.
Sometimes, placing a horse in front of you goes wrong. Sorry, Fabiolia!
How?! Best horse placement ever! XD
May your week be as lucky as this!
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