Saturday, June 20, 2020

Hello, Summer

It's the first day of summer and the longest day of the year! It's felt like summer for a while here already, as is usually the case, but now it's official: the bunnies, lambs, and chicks have left Mom's window seat and have been replaced by savanna and jungle animals. (Also a few other random boldly-colored stuffies that would otherwise never get to come out, like an alien, a coke bottle wearing sunglasses, and a purple and green dino... Whatever, Mom.) 

I'm still trying to talk my sisters out of keeping the hoard of April and May horses we collected, but I fear I may be fighting a losing battle. 

We have not found any +900 genetic stat horses in June so far, probably due to our drastically reduced playing time. Even so, there are three new wild equines that definitely deserve mentioning. Appropriately, the first two are from the savanna, and the third is from the jungle!

First on the list is Viking.
She is a giant 19.1 hands tall and has big, flashy markings to match.
Her performance metrics are pretty solid, and she's very fast.
She will also energetically take Pepsi wherever she wants to go, as long as it's not anywhere too scary. This would make her a useful addition to the herd.

Our second horse of note is not as tall, athletically built, or potentially useful, but he is impressive nevertheless. Pepsi and Eagle found him hanging out with a few other savanna wilds, and he seemed a bit out of place in comparison. 
Yep, we're talking about that spotted and striped sausage.
His name is rather... depressingly fitting for a virtual horse.

He has exactly the same genetic stat total as Viking. Weird, right?
Despite his sausage-esque appearance, he is not a sloth-like clunker. He actually has a great sprint boost, is reasonably energetic, and has a quick turning speed. I guess we can thank that extremely muscular rear end! He is skittish and highly antisocial, but apparently he gets quite playful when around the select few he likes. XD

The third horse on the list is debatably even more odd-looking than All For Naught. 
Nothing is really that off until you get to the hooves, but once you notice them, you can't stop noticing them. They're newborn foalishly tiny!
That agility stat bodes well, though, and sure enough, he has the highest turning speed of any wild equine we've caught.
Aside from being a bit lazy (but not lazy enough to trigger the annoying slowing under saddle), he has the best personality of all 3 wilds too. It figures, right? 

We tried putting some polo wraps on him to see if they'd distract from the tiny hoof thing. Nope.
Now this is the pony that should've come with the name "Micro Mini," not Ossagon! Despite his awesome turning speed and handsome coat color, I think both Viking and All For Naught stand much better chances of staying. That said, who knows what the last 10 days of June may bring? Some horse or horses could still come along and blow them all out of the water.

Before I go, my sisters are insisting I also include my official entry into Horse Isle's recent art contest in this post. I drew and colored this, Drafty Middle Mesa, using a pencil and colored pencils:

It was based on this screenshot of Pepsi and Cloudburst:

My attempt both literally and figuratively pales in comparison to other players' amazing entries. If you haven't checked them out on the HI3 site, you sure should! I was especially blown away by the create-art-on-the-computer skills many fellow players showcased. 

I'm still hopelessly old-fashioned, but it was fun to have an excuse to draw something again - I haven't been inspired in ages. Luckily for me, everybody who entered received a reward, which was unexpectedly generous. Thanks, Horse Isle! For HI3 players, the reward was 500 mobia! We will no doubt spend it on 5 infinitum amulets to make 5 more lucky equines immortal. It had better not be for 5 equines all from June, though, guys!

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