The month of June has been flying by! So did the experience levels for Magicmirror.
The main quest line brought Clara to an exclusive meeting of the Druid Council. The way to get there is top secret and involved a magic portal, naturally.
Fripp the magical blue squirrel seems to be their leader, or at least quite high-ranking. =)
He seemed to be ok with Clara's presence, but at least one of the dudes in dementor-like apparel, not so much.
Fortunately, Elizabeth Sunbeam, a druid who lives in Valedale, vouched for her.
Clara did make 4 stones glow with pink symbols once a while back, and it turns out this is a big deal.
Even Mr. Dementor thought so.
How do you like them apples, Alex and Linda? XD
Even more monumental to us than being part of this big wig meeting was the final week of the bazaar. The two final breeds to be offered at a steep discount were the Haflinger and the American Paint Horse.
The Haflinger is awfully cute...
...but we only had eyes for the APHs.
All of them are works of art, but we eventually narrowed the choices down to the buckskin tobiano and the dapple gray tobiano.
We had almost decided on the dapple gray. As much as we love buckskin tobianos, there are many Jorvik Warmbloods with this coloring around already. (The pinto starter horse that isn't Frostflight is frequently made into a buckskin.) But then, on the second-to-last evening of the festival, when we exited our stable to go buy him, there stood - you guessed it - a dapple gray tobiano APH (and its rider.) We also noticed that from a distance in reduced lighting, its unique facial markings seemed rather skull-like. We took both as signs we should go with the buckskin instead. we did!
Meet Brightbeam!
She doesn't nod off all the time like the Appys or keep her head super low like the AQH, both definite pluses. Her markings are gorgeous. She is not as chipper-looking as the other equines, however: she usually has her ears out to the side. We weren't sure about her that first night because of her somewhat melancholy look, but she's grown on us since then. We think of her as chill, unflappable, and a bit lazy now. =)
Brightbeam hasn't had much chill time yet, though. She's been Clara's mount for The Rainbow Festival. Rainbow-themed decorations are out in full force, and there's a Cloud Kingdom players can visit via a hot air balloon.
As the plot line goes, when Clara first arrived in the Cloud Kingdom, the world was all in black and white: all of the 7 colors of the rainbow were sadly missing. Additionally, it had started to snow in Jorvik, where it's supposed to be summer. The likely suspect: Katja, a highly unpleasant, violin-playing version of Elsa.
Clara gradually located and restored the 7 rainbow fragments, one color at a time. She also helped Mica, one of the explorers with the hot air balloon, locate gear she had misplaced. She had to do both twice, actually, since Katja was persistent and Mica seems to be very careless with her stuff.
So much happier with full color!
Galloping on clouds and rainbows... early childhood dreams come true. =)
Pico, Mica's balaclava-clad frog, was a big help with locating Mica's missing gear. (He sort of plays hot or cold with you as you near a piece.) We confess we still had some trouble finding them all, though, and had to resort to YouTube for some additional help.
I like Disney's version better...
Like Sabine, Katja has an intimidating, super fast horse. Players can race her once a day from Moorland beach to Fort Pinta beach to receive a few tokens to use in the Cloud Kingdom. We never come anywhere near catching her and end up sliding off ice into the water frequently, but it's still fun.
We've also earned tokens by helping a sobbing little cloud get its lost cloud friends back to the cloud kingdom...

...and participating in the rainbow race. We routinely fall off the rainbows and clouds, but fortunately the race pops you back on and allows you to carry on after a few seconds' delay. =)
From time to time, to span the distances between clouds, horses magically sprout wings and fly for a few seconds. It's quite entertaining because the horses still keep galloping full speed with their legs while they're flying...
Two cloud-dwelling equines and their raven companions are available for sale:
Most of the items for sale for rainbow tokens are western-themed, so we're not super into them. We were way more excited about the new terrier with a rainbow bandana and saved up tokens for her instead. She has grey mixed in with the tan in her coat but does look a lot like Scout. Maybe they are siblings? We're still trying to decide on a name for her.
Another fun rainbow festival activity: chasing rainbows! They appear for short windows of time at various locations, and if you can find the end of the rainbow, you can search for rainbow gold in various little piles nearby. Save up enough gold, and you can then trade it for gifts from the leprechaun waiting at the end of the rainbow.
His gifts are all practical: "rainbow chaser" gear for the horse and rider. So far, we've received pastel rainbow polo wraps, a pastel tie die crop top, a sky blue with clouds western saddle and matching cowboy boots, pastel-lensed glasses, and multiple duplicates of the polos and boots.
We're really hoping if we save up enough and trade for a bunch of items from the leprechaun at once, we won't be so apt to get duplicates, and we'll get the matching saddle pad and bridle. Fingers crossed!
It's been quite fun, all in all! Take one last look at Clara, because she will soon be having an identity crisis! By our next post, she will look like a whole new person, as the game is totally changing the look of its player characters. Will it be for the better or for the worse? We'll see!
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