On Wednesday night, there she was, a 6/6 +88 Curly mare, just waiting for us:

This horse is indeed a super horse (a horse created by a player via a super horse token). For whatever reason, her creator promptly decided not to keep her and generously put her in the livery. After I'd added up those impressive stats, I clicked the adopt button at once. Curlies are cool no matter their color, but a black leopard one?! Wow, we really hit the jackpot! Felicity, being the appaloosa lover that she is, is thrilled, of course.
Here is the mare's avatar:
No exciting snowy terrain wild captures to report, but it's not from lack of trying. There just don't seem to be many wild horses roaming the snowy isles, at least not when we are looking, and the flute has not given us any tempting horses either. We did, however, win our Pro Auctioner award this morning when we auctioned a Finnhorse stallion!
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