Look who Flora and I lured with the flute early Tuesday morning!
She did not want to appear inside the sheep pen. XD |
This is the 5th 6/6 horse I have found while riding Flora. (The first 4 were Zephyr, Mistral, Vinca, and Della: 2 stallions and 2 mares.) What a lucky girl Flora is! <3
As you may recall from an earlier post, I am rather fond of HI2's Furiosos. For having the older-style artwork, I think they're really cute - even if their hind legs are a bit wonky. Also, back when we first got our flute and Bethany posted about our first 10 fluted horses, you may recall that 3 of them were mahogany bay mares. Maybe she's right about that flute being made of mahogany wood. At any rate, we couldn't help but laugh that it gave us a 6/6 mahogany bay mare.
This mare is sadly lacking a facial marking. I was really hoping for a star, since the Furioso is also known as the Furioso-North Star. She also has a rather difficult personality and is, of course, yet another mare to further unbalance our mare:stallion ratio. But wow, +97?! With that much natural talent, there's no question that she's staying! Even though she doesn't have a star on her forehead, I couldn't resist naming her after a star anyway: Vega. Vega is the 5th brightest star in the night sky, and this mare is the 5th 6/6 horse the Flora has found - it only seemed right.
On Thursday when Julie and Fort used the flute - again on Bend Isle - it gave her another Furioso! This one was a stallion, but of course he wasn't anywhere near as fabulous as Vega. He didn't have a star either.
Am I the only one who's noticed that the avatars of seal brown horses on HI2 tend to look darker than the avatars of black ones? |
This morning, Julie and Fort used the flute yet again on Bend Isle. (We've been parked there for most of the week - haven't had time to do anything more than flute.) We just had to share her with you: another gorgeous Spotted Draft Horse mare.
Julie thought this would be a lucky place to use the flute. =) Also note Fort's perfectly camouflaged hooves. |
I just love champagnes. Throw spots and blue eyes into the mix, and wow! I hope somebody decides to adopt her. She came with a rhino beetle companion, as you can see - our third one.