Sunday, March 27, 2016


Ha ha, Mom's iPad wants to autocorrect "Budyonny" to "busy onyx." Onyx is pleased. 

I am really slow when it comes to typing on this thing, but I am giving it a go anyway since Mom left it in the basement.

Remember the cute Shih Tzu and guinea pig from Lily's post? Well, on Monday night while they were still here, our aunt brought home another canine: a 6-month-old pit bull mix named Nala. Yeah, like the lion.

It appears she is here to stay. Nala is already quite large, and if her paws are any indication, she's going to get even larger. She's still total puppy in temperament, though: jumping, chewing, having accidents in the house moments after being outside, crying loudly whenever not where she want to be, zigzagging everywhere on leash, etc. My sisters and I are less than thrilled. We were really hoping the next dog the humans would get would already be past the destructive energizer bunny stage, since we would rather not live in constant fear of becoming chew toys. (So far we've been safe in the basement, but we're considering moving to Mom's room or a higher shelf for a while, just in case the door to the basement gets left open.)

But enough about the puppy. In Lily's last post, you may also recall her going on about how we need to conserve our remaining open horse slots on HI2. Later that very day, I found this guy in the auction house:

Nobody but the foreign bidder was interested with less than a minute left in the auction. I had to act! Sorry, Lily. If we don't catch any awesome 6/6ers before the 31st, can't we keep him? Please? 
1. Our herd should totally have a Budyonny. 
2. How cool is his persona? We don't have any sidekicks yet.
3. Look, no white markings! On breeds that can have white markings on HI2, it's not often you find a wild horse without any!

His avatar is cute too:

And not identical to Nimbus's, our other solid gray:

The Budyonny


Saturday, March 19, 2016

PepsiSummer Turns 3

Last Sunday (March 13) was PepsiSummer's 3rd birthday! You know an online game's a good one when you still are having fun playing it after 3 years!

Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to play HI2 that day. We haven't been on much at all this week, really. Why?

Because of these two:

We are watching them for our relatives while they're away. Ironically, the dog's name is Zoey (we have an American Girl cousin named Zoë) and the guinea pig's name is Lily! 

Both are very friendly, even with each other. <3

Since we haven't been online much, obviously not much has happened HI2-wise. I did end up deciding to keep the Newfie, though. Because I decided to name her Ultraviolet (it only seemed right to have an Ultraviolet when we also have an Infrared), I swapped out her pink tack for purple tack. Purple is a Valentine's Day color too, in my mind, anyway.

We've also determined that the Feb. 28 Belgian is staying as part of Julie's herd. Thanks to our buddy Gem, we have a few name ideas for him at long last. His tack is probably going to change, as our ideas all involve the color red, but he looks nice in silver too, doesn't he?

And finally, I will leave you with a few screenshots of some cool livery horses I saw this morning as I was surrendering two cute 4/6ers. I hope they all found homes!

I found him the most tempting, since we don't have a French Trotter yet. =)

Good thing Felicity didn't see this one. XD 

Or this one. ;^)

Or this one. (This Mountain person was unloading quite a few equines with good stats!) You snooze, you lose, sis! 

But seriously, we only have a handful of free horse slots left, so let's take it slow. Drastic action will eventually have to be taken (i.e. selling our sheep pen or carrot patch to make room for another barn. Don't worry, horses.), but let's not go there yet!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Belgian Repeat

I know we're already well into March, thank goodness, but I'm going to backtrack to the end of February. 

The leap day this year, a Monday (Really? It had to fall on a Monday?) passed anticlimactically for us on HI2. We didn't mind because of what the day before held for us.

But first let me backtrack again:
Last year on February 28, I found Jenga the Belgian mare for sale in the auction house. Nobody but the foreign bidder was interested in her, so she came home with us. <3

This year on February 28, I encountered - you guessed it - another Belgian. The flute summoned him to Equinox and me on Boot Isle. He's even huger than 17-hand Jenga.

Aww! Aren't Belgians great? They look happy and huggable on HI2. They are also extra special to my sisters and me because our great-grandpa had Belgian workhorses on the farm where he grew up. 

My sisters and I are in agreement that we ought to keep this guy, but we're not sure yet if he will join the herd or be retired to our Millennium Fields. With that personality, he'd clearly be content with retirement. I hesitate to do that though because he is 5/6 and +56, and those double 56's don't come along everyday...

In other news, we've given tack to those two humane society horses we adopted in the middle of February. Bethany is for sure keeping the dapple gray Dole. 

She even took my advice and named him Cloudberry. =)

We decked out the Newfie mare in pink, since we adopted her on Valentine's Day. We're still not sure if we are keeping her or not, and she doesn't have a name yet either. She sure is cute, though!